Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Joint Research Centre The Inspire Geoportal Validator
Inspire Geoportal Validator - features Validates metadata of INSPIRE resources with respect to the Technical Guidelines Accepts ISO documents and endpoints of INSPIRE Network Services Replaces the old schematron validator (now retired) Available as a web page and as a RESTful web service 215 October 2015
Inspire Geoportal - Components 315 October 2015
Validator – Supported service specifications Supported service specifications: OGC CSW – ISO AP (*) OGC WMS ISO (*), OGC WMS (*) OGC WMTS (*) OGC WFS ISO (*) Atom based INSPIRE Download Services (*) (*) With INSPIRE Extensions 415 October 2015
INSPIRE Geoportal Validator - Workflow 515 October 2015
INSPIRE Geoportal Validator - Implementation Implemented in Java and based mostly on XSLT 2.0 for the initial transformation from the resource encoding XSLT stylesheets are designed graphically using Altova MapForce Requires the commercial version the Saxon XSLT and XQuery Processor libraries (Enterprise Edition ) 615 October 2015
INSPIRE Geoportal Resource Browser The Resource Browser is a diagnostic tool for Member States and providers, for quickly identifying resources with issues 715 October 2015
INSPIRE Geoportal Resource Browser Various criteria available for resource selection: 815 October 2015
INSPIRE Geoportal Resource Browser 915 October 2015 Easy selection of all resources affected by the same issue type:
INSPIRE Geoportal Resource Browser Immediate identification of resources portrayed in an accessible View Service layer 1015 October 2015
INSPIRE Geoportal Resource Browser Links to original ISO metadata is available for datasets, series and spatial data services: 1115 October 2015
INSPIRE Geoportal Resource Browser Technical note: The Flash Player browser plugin is required for the image gallery to be displayed. For the same reason, on Apple iPads, an App like Photon Flash Player is needed for image gallery to display October 2015
INSPIRE Geoportal Validation Report Three sections: Source document validation issues For XML documents it is the validation against the relevant XML schemas INSPIRE validation issues Information required by the INSPIRE Regulations and/or Technical Guidance documents cannot found in the locations specified in INSPIRE validation warnings When non- (or not yet) mandatory information is missing 1315 October 2015
INSPIRE Geoportal Validation Report -Source document validation issues 1415 October 2015 If a document does not respect the structure foreseen by its schema, subsequent validation steps might give unreliable results since the extraction information is based on XPath.
INSPIRE Geoportal Validation Report Example of schema validation errors: 1515 October 2015
INSPIRE Geoportal Validation Report Example of INSPIRE validation errors: 1615 October 2015
INSPIRE Geoportal Validation Report Documentation links next to each message take the user to documentation pages specific to each error October 2015 Each error is linked to the corresponding requirement in the Technical Guidance (TG) documents. Each TG requirement is mapped to the relevant INSPIRE Regulation requirement it derives from.
Validation Processes 1815 October 2015
Metadata Compliance Meter (1/4) Validation reports now feature a metadata compliance meter. This indicator shows how complete a metadata document, or group of documents, is with respect to the INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules, the Network Service Regulation and the Technical Guidance documents. The indicators also include colour clues: 1915 October 2015
Metadata Compliance Meter (2/4) For example, if in a metadata document, one out of 10 required metadata elements is missing or is not compliant with the requirements, the indicator will show 90% or less, depending on the importance of the missing element October 2015
Metadata Compliance Meter (3/4) 2115 October 2015 The information will be available for each batch:
Metadata Compliance Meter (4/4) 2215 October 2015 The information will be available also for the whole content: