RPC PAC Trigger system installation and commissioning How we make it working… On-line software Resistive Plate Chambers Link Boxes Optical Links Synchronization Global Runs Testing DB service RPC FM RPCT TS Cell TC access XDAQ Trigger and Sorter Crates DCC/CCS crate … To RCMS Top FM To TS Central Cell … LBox’es SC access XDAQ … FEB FECFEC VME FECFEC CCU rings DCC access XDAQ DCC access XDAQ LBox access XDAQ LBox access XDAQ LBox access XDAQ LBox access XDAQ … DCCDCC I2C rings … VME Monitoring and test manager JAVA Monitoring and test manager JAVA Config DB TS Subcell … TStore Condition DB TS Subcell Trigger emulator XML to DIGI DQM, reconstruction CMSSW Output XML file with data from hardware HA XDAQ Test pulses generators control Diagnostic readouts control Test data generator input XML file with test data or Event Builder Comparing and merging of data from different diag. readouts Comparing with the test data XML Test Manager Diag. modules configuration (delays etc.) and operation Configuration file (XML) Parsing of data from diagnostic readouts formation of test data vectors for pulses generators Config. DB Analysing of interconne ctions HA XDAQ JAVA Result log Find such position of Synchronization window and values of the delays, that the output signal on all Link Boards are within the same BX In the PAC the muon identification is based on the coincidence (inside 25 ns) of hits from at least three RPC chambers. Thus, the hits timing must be corrected for the muon time of flight and time of signal propagation in chamber – Link Board cables BX of chamber hits Trigger Data to late Data to early The distributed system for control, configuration, monitoring and testing of the RPC PAC trigger electronics. Based on XDAQ and Trigger Supervisor (TS) frameworks (C++). Java part allows to build advanced testing procedures and assures the access to the configuration database (Hibernate tehnology). “Pattern tests”: test of algorithms implementation test of optical links connections tests of cables connections test of boards operation Ta check, if the system is working as is should Artificial data are send by the Tests Pulses Generators and spied by the Diagnostic Readout modules – both implemented in the firmware of the trigger FPGAs 25ns LB1 LB2 LB3 Delay Output signal Muon time of flight Propagation in cables time Synchronization window RPC and FEB CMS During 2007 the CMS was lowered to the underground cavern. The elements of the RPC PAC Trigger system were finally, after almost 10 years of development, produced and installed in the CMS. But to make from those elements a working system – that was pieces puzzle. RPC and CSC chambers on the endcap disc optical fibers transmits data from the Link Boards to the Trigger Boards. Correctness of connections and transmission quality was validated with dedicated testing procedure. In the picture: optical links connected to the Trigger Crates 1232 Link Boards placed in the 96 Link Boxes on the CMS balconies receive the signals from the chambers, synchronize them, compress and send through the optical links to the Trigger Boards The RPC PAC Trigger is a part of the CMS Level-1 Trigger system. Its task is to identify and measure muons. The biggest and most difficult part of the electronic system. Will work in the radiation and magnetic field. The Installation and commissioning of the Link Boards it was big effort! Synchronization achieved for the cosmic muons Karol Buńkowski Software framework allows to control the execution of test and analyze the results Trigger Crates Data Acquisition 12 Trigger Crates, each contains 5 Splitter Boards and 7 Trigger Boards (TB) Each Trigger Board contains 3 or 4 Pattern Comparator (PAC) chips, which performs the muon recognition algorithm: the chambers hits are compared to the predefined patterns of muon tracks with various momenta. RPC hits are readout from the Trigger Boards by the Readout Mezzanine Boards. Further, the data are build in the events on the Data Concentrator Cards and sent via the S-Link to the FRLs. For each trigger (Level -1 Accept) the data from up to 8 consecutive BX are readout. This allows to study for example the RPC hits synchronization. The algorithms of data acquisition system (implemented in the FPGA devices) are most complicated algorithms in the RPC system GRUMM Global RUn Mid-March GREM Global Run End of May GREJ Global Run End of Jun GREA Global Run End of August GRES Global Run End of September GRES Global Run End of November Muon seen by the RPC chambers CRUZET Cosmic Run at Zero Tesla CRAFT Cosmic Run at Four Tesla …And the RPC PAC Trigger system only small part of the CMS experiment!!! MTCC