FI-CORE Data Context Media Management Chapter Release 4.1 & Sprint Review
Chapter’s highlights in the period ● Orion Context Broker -Queries about entities located on a specific area have been enabled. - Query for existence/non existence of a certain entity type - Added possibility to remove an existing entity (with all its associated attributes and metadata). -Entities’ Attributes can also be specified with a list of key-value pairs (maps) or value vectors, increasing flexibility. - Custom metadata (other than Orion’s predefined expected metadata) is enabled for entity’s attributes -Enhance NGSI9/10 convenience operations, including new ones (e.g. retrieving all existing entities, entity types listing, attributes listing for a given entity type etc.) -Implemented fully the NGSI-9/-10 operations related to Context Providers. -Added Service Path concept in NGSI operations: allows entity domains definition & authorization based on them. -Integration with Rush relayer, as a “notification manager” for Orion (i.e: does not need to wait for notification responses). -Added Protection mechanism against cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
Chapter’s highlights in the period ● Cosmos Big Data -Evolving Cygnus connector implementation to a multi purpose historical data gathering tool. -Completed Implementation of service REST API allowing the users to: ● Create & Delete Clusters. ● User management administration. ● Manage Services within a cluster. ● Manage Submitted tasks per cluster. ● Proton CEP -Enabled the CEP interoperability with Orion Context Broker: dedicated adapters to support NGSI and for sending/receiving events as FIWARE Data structures implemented. -Design, create and deliver an open source version for the CEP Engine and the CEP authoring tool. -Improve flexibility for creating event expressions.
Chapter’s highlights in the period ● CKAN -Progressing development & testing of new CKAN release (v2.3 internally) in FIWARE-Lab: it will update v2.0 available now, include extension for showcases and solve previous incompatibilities detected e.g with Cygnus. -Created chef script to provide CKAN as Generic Enabler ● KURENTO Stream Oriented -Implemented a control transport protocol for distributed delivery of media -Enabled the media exchange between two instances of the Stream Oriented GE. -Implemented mechanisms for bandwidth estimation and jitter calculation -Implemented congestion control mechanisms for adaptation to available network bandwidth
Chapter’s highlights in the period ● Social Data Aggregator -Closed scope & architecture for the GE: interaction with media applications based on aggregated social data, overlay of related social data in the media itself or in a related web interface. -First release of the connector module to Social Data Consumers (i.e: the re-parsing and storage of social data received from Social Data generators). ● Social Semantic Enricher -Closed scope & architecture for the GE: text enrichment based on semantic annotations obtained from web resources containing info related to the text. -Architecture consists on Core (processing the original text) and Enhancer (in charge of the enrichment) parts. Implementing Lucene indexing for the Core part.
Chapter’s highlights in the period ● Metadata Store Management Platform -Closed scope & architecture for the GE: the platform describes objects used by other GEs (e.g: Context Broker, Big Data or CKAN). Objects may be APIs, datasets, processes, dashboards, applications etc. The platform will enable complex processing flows, accountability for the data consumed and support for publishing the data. -Implementation starts in sprint ● Complex Event Orchestrator -Progressing the new scope definition for this enabler: will focus on a cloud messaging solution that can be used together with Orion Context Broker.