Responses to Sexuality Leah Plant
Everybody has the right to be considered as a sexual being
What do you think? YESNO
Do you think someone with a learning disability has the right to be sexually active? YESNO
ANIMATION Scenario – the nurse will walk into the room without knocking to discover a service user masturbating, the nurse is shocked and disgusted by this and raises her voice to the service user, telling him/her that this is wrong For the animation the service user will not be shown, possibly the nurse walks through the door then showing a surprised/ shocked face of the nurse. The nurse the proceeds to say that's dirty etc. This using an animated person rather than an actual person, however not cartoon like as this will give humour to the scenario which is trying to be avoided.
THOUGHTS The service user and the nurses thoughts on the situation: Service user – I do not know what I have done wrong and why is it wrong Nurse – it is not right for a person with a learning disability to be masturbating or to be sexually active, they need protecting against this Service User Click here Nurse Click here
QUESTIONS There will be six boxes containing professionals/ carers etc, there will be a list of five questions. The user will be able to pick a question doing this by clicking on the appropriate box following clicking on the person they wish to hear the answer from. Why should you knock on the door? Is it right people with a learning disability to masturbate? Can person with a learning disability have a sexual identity or to have a sexual relationship with another individual? What is your opinion on how a sexual identity is developed in adults? If you have a looked after life can you ever have the right to privacy? Nasty Nurse House Mate Service User Parent AdvocateKey Worker
Continued The faces will be made to look similar to those on the attachment, will be based on a person after gaining consent. The answers to the questions will be voice and written, the user can then decide to either read or to listen. The answers will be short to keep users attention.
INFORMATION Importance of privacy/dignity Independence Essence of care Code of conduct Human rights
Now what is your opinion on Everybody has the right to be considered as a sexual being