ARROW KENYA ( All Round Regional Outreach Web) ARROW WEB HOSPITAL
Introduction: All Round Regional Outreach Web (ARROW KENYA) is a dully registered Non-Governmental Organization and non-profit making organization registered here in Kenya, with the National NGO Coordination Board ACT No. 19 of 1990 as per the Kenyan Laws. is based in Kayole – Soweto slums, Embakasi District, Nairobi County. The organization offers its services at the grass root level and basically deals with disadvantaged members of the community, to help the community in tackling the health problems in their lives by offering curative and preventive health services at Arrow Web Hospital. This include: orphaned children, widows, unemployed youths and the entire community that languishes in poverty and grappled with various problems.
Vision: To be a catalyst of choice in participatory development both in health sector in Kenya and beyond. Mission: To provide quality and affordable Health Care Services to countless suffering Communities.
Services offered: In-patients Out-patients Laboratory Services Pharmacy Male circumcisions Dental services Community Outreach
Our achievements so far: Opened 2 roomed clinic 2005 Moved to 11 roomed rented house 2006 Moved to 20 roomed rented house 2008 NHIF accreditation 2008 Local and international partnerships Treated over 60,000 patients
Challenges we face: Funding Water supply Electricity Premises Staff turnover Lack of equipment and supplies Cannot meet needs
Our strengths: Dedicated board and staff Support from the community Support from the DHA Local networks International links
International links: Individuals both Locally & internationally Medical electives Nabuur Embassy of Japan COCO Aid to Hospitals Worldwide IHLFS
International Health LinksFunding Scheme: British Council Tropical Health & Education Trust UK health institution and developing country Strengthen health systems and delivery Transfer of skills and knowledge
IHLFS progress so far: UN on line volunteer NHS Grampian Start up grant September visit Embakasi DHA Draft MOU Agreed priorities
IHLFS Agreed priorities: Funding Hospital infrastructure Improving clinical and organisational management systems Strengthening relationship with DHA
IHLFS next steps: Agree two main priorities Finalise MOU Round 3 proposal by December 31 st Decision March 2011 Commence April 2011