Preparing Job Descriptions
ADA Considerations The Americans with Disabilities Act does NOT require an employer to develop or maintain job descriptions. However, if they exist, they can be used as evidence during an investigation.
Job Descriptions Writing Job Descriptions - Sections Job Identification – 1.Title 2.Pay Grade 3.Department / Division 4.Exempt / Non-exempt status 5.Reporting relationships 6.Date of last revision
Job Descriptions Writing Job Descriptions - Sections Job Function Summary – An overall function summary that acts as the job’s “Mission Statement.” The summary explains why the position exists.
Job Descriptions Writing Job Descriptions - Sections Essential Functions – Duties and tasks that define the job. Consider: 1.Employee’s judgment 2.Does position exist to perform task? 3.Amount of time spent on task (%) 4.Number of employees that perform task 5.Specialized nature of task 6.Nature of work operation and org. structure
Job Descriptions Job Specifications – Personal characteristics that make a person minimally able to perform a job (Qualifications!) 1.Be specific (# years, level of training, etc) 2.Don’t include general characteristics (strength, intelligence, ability to work with others), unless they can be linked to specific tasks AND are necessary to performing that task. Writing Job Descriptions - Sections
Job Descriptions Job Specifications – Objective data regarding performance of tasks 1.Education level & Training 2.Knowledge, Skills & Abilities 3.Any unusual hours of work (OT, weekends) 4.Physical requirements 5.Mental requirements 6.Required methods of communication 7.Work environment Writing Job Descriptions - Sections
Job Descriptions ADA Considerations – Pt 2 Finally – Don’t focus JDs on what a disabled person can/can’t do. Provide an accurate description of the position.
Job Descriptions Writing Job Descriptions - Steps 1.Identify the job 2.Summarize the job – 3 sentences MAX! 3.List Essential Functions (EFs) – duty, then tasks what is done for what purpose to whom or what using what resources, tools, equipment, etc 4.For each EF, list performance specifications 5.For each EF, list KSAs to perform
Job Descriptions Writing Job Descriptions - Steps 6.List Minimum Qualifications Education level Required Training Years of Experience 7.List other Job Specifications KSAs Physical/Mental Requirements (ADA) Environmental Factors
Chapter 5 Reviewing Job Specifications Will determine many factors during the search – Duties and Responsibilities Education Tangible & Intangible Qualities Reporting Relationships Environment
Chapter 5 Reviewing Job Specifications Environmental Factors – Physical Working Conditions Geographic Location & Travel Work Schedule Exemption Status Union Status Salary & Benefits Growth Potential
Chapter 5 Preparing Job Descriptions Moving from Analysis to Description – Analysis provides the raw data, a description provides the narrative. General vs. Specific
Chapter 5 Preparing Job Descriptions You’ll determine the following from your analysis: Duties Tasks Activities Elemental motions Job dimensions Experience & education Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities
Chapter 5 Preparing Job Descriptions Guidelines – 1.Arrange duties in a logical, sequential order 2.Separate duties clearly 3.Avoid ambiguous words or generalizations 4.Don’t try to list every task 5.Include specific examples 6.Use non-technical language 7.Indicate frequency 8.Refrain from narrative
Chapter 5 Preparing Job Descriptions Guidelines – 9.Refer to positions, not people 10.Use present tense 11.Objectivity 12.Stress activities, not procedures 13.Keep it job related and legal 14.Write efficiently 15.Use action words