Paragraph one - information about publisher, title of survey and main conclusions.(who, what, when, how, so what…) Remaining Paragraphs - state the figures of the survey by topics (present figures in a readable prose) – groupings/comparisons - while - only - but Language:
A report published by the Schools council 1988 called ‘Microcomputers in Secondary Schools’ suggests that the majority of children believe that their writing has improved by working with word processors.
GeneralGeneral Analysis of Formal Report
Letter/ memo of Transmittal When you have finished the report, and are ready to send it off, you have to send a memo/ letter of transmittal to inform the reader that you have completed the report. The Title page The title page of a report should answer to the basic questions: Who? What? Why?
The Table of Contents It should provide a list of the main sections of the report with subheadings and page numbers. The Summary It is placed at the beginning of a report and it is the brief version of the report. Terms of Reference It sets out the subject aera to be covered by the report, any special areas to be included, and the intended objectives of the report.
The Introduction/ Background It prepares the reader for the main finding s of the report. The introduction normally includes background information which is described in present/ present perfect tense. The Body It is the main point of the report and consists of all the details of writers research and investigation.
Conclusion It is the logical implication of the information contained in the findings of the report, and it is usually written in present tense. Recommendations (optional) It states the writer’s suggestions for action, while the advice should base on the findings which have already been presented.
Appendix It contains supporting information which helps the reader to understand the report more completely. The information is usually not primary important and may distract the reader from the main points.
Long, or formal reports can be hundreds of pages long. They generally follow strict rules of presentation and organization. They normally consist of the following: A Title Page A Contents Page Long Report (Formal Report)
An Introduction -Terms of Reference -Procedure Followed -Arrangement of Main Divisions -Definitions -Background -Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations Divisions or Chapters, each containing all the information or data the author has collected on different aspects of the matter being reported on.
A final division for Conclusions, if called for. Recommendations based on those conclusions. -Conclusions -Recommendations Appendixes
Conclusion Body Contents 1. Introduction 2. Staff Activities 3. Pension and Retirement Scheme 4. Supplementary Benefits 5. Training Programs 6. Salary and Promotion Policy 7. Conclusions and Recommendations 8. Appendix Prepared by Jason Chan for Date _____
4. A Short report is divided as follows: 4.1 First division - the Terms of Reference 4.2 Second division - the Procedure followed 4.3 Third division - Definition of particular terms, if this is necessary 4.4 Forth division - Findings or the data collected, and this may be divided into numbered sub- divisions and paragraphs 4.5 Fifth division - Conclusions and Recommendations, with sub-divisions, one for the conclusions and one for the recommendations 1. Similar to full report, but very much shorter 2. Deals with simple matters 3. Like long memoranda, but more systematic
Subjects: Proposed Replacement of “Coolair” Temperature Controllers 1. Introduction With reference to the above proposal, information concerning alternative models for the “Coolair” temperature controllers has been received from Thermocorp. This report briefly reviews this information and then recommends appropriate action. 2. Findings a) Suitability Only the “Atmosfair” model meets the full technical specifications, covering both the required temperature scale and temperature range. b) Cost This work has been estimated at HK$89,000. The majority of alternative models would cost more than this amount. However, replacement by “Atmosfair” temperature controllers would cost HK$78, Recommendation All “Coolair” temperature controllers for the air- conditioning system should be replaced by “Atmosfair” models as soon as possible.
- Brief - Intended for the information of people in the organization. - have basic organization as other reports.
To: Richard Chan From: Morgan Worth Director of Operations Subject: EPA Compliance in Your Region Date: Aug 7, 1989 Background As we discussed by telephone on Aug.1, the Environmental Protection Agency requires a report from this company describing the sulfurous gas detection equipment now installed at each of our wells. The report is due in Washington no later than Sept. 1, This memo will suggest directions you should follow, Richard, in drawing up the report. Point 1……………….. Point 2……………….. Point 3…………………
- Combination of a standard business letter and a short report. -Sent to outside companies and organizations. - Start and end in the same way as business letters.
SMITH JONES LTD 88 High Street Anytown 26th January 1994 Ref: CJ/578/94 The General Manager Everbest Textiles Ltd 78 Great Western Avenue Anytown Dear Sirs, Yours Faithfully, Morgan Chan Maintenance Engineer