Where do you FIND this stuff? Lesson plan portals for English / Language Arts teachers
Read Write Think Read Write Think (readwritethink.org) Sponsored by NCTE and IRA Lessons written to careful specifications (technology component, NCTE standards, explanation of theory) Organized by literacy engagement and grade level, K-12
EdSITEment EdSITEment edsitement.neh.gov/ Sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities Organized by title of the lesson Grade levels indicated at the lesson page, K-12 Includes assessment ideas and related links
The Library of Congress The Library of Congress Click on “Teachers” tab Rich with primary source material New: TPS Direct, Professional Development for individuals or groups New: World Digital Library, global cultural treasures in 7 languages “You pay for it every April 15 – you might as well use it.”
Writing Fix Writing Fix writingfix.com/ Sponsored by the Northern Nevada Writing Project Lots of prompts, 6-trait ideas, and WAC support Lots of enthusiasm for writing and kids, K-12 Come prepared to browse (no search feature)
National Writing Project Includes research and professional development Includes articles on teacher research and inquiry Has some lesson ideas, too
ArtsEdge ArtsEdge artsedge.kennedy-center.org/ Sponsored by the Kennedy Center Emphasis on music, dance, visual arts, and theater integrated with literature and writing Organized alphabetically by lesson title, K-12
Glencoe Literature Library Glencoe Literature Library Downloadable files with handouts, literacy focus Recognizes expanding canon writers Alphabetical order by title Secondary titles only (7-12)
Folger Shakespeare Library Folger Shakespeare Library folger.edu Click to find Lesson Plans, 5-12 A different link has study guides Site always under development Shakespeare in American Life, shakespeareinamericanlife.org/ Shakespeare in American Life
Scholastic Scholastic scholastic.com/ Now P-12 Follow links for grade level, literacy level Rich database of articles Regularly add new material
Online Writing Lab Online Writing Purdue owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ Research process MLA and APA citation Grammar & Mechanics Technical writing Creative Writing
Guide to Grammar and Writing Guide to Grammar and Writing grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/ Increasing levels of sophistication Words/sentences Paragraphs Essays/research papers Self quizzes, additional support Labor of love for Dr. Charles Darling
The Blue Book of Grammar The Blue Book of Grammar Grammar and mechanics rules Self quizzes Rules are free, quizzes now require subscription
WebQuests webquest.org (Bernie Dodge) and bestwebquests.com (Tom March) webquest.org bestwebquests.com Teachers nominate their WebQuests for inclusion. Includes information on how to write a WebQuest K-12, cross-curricular
ThinkfinityThinkfinity (formerly MarcoPolo) thinkfinity.org “Portal of portals” Sponsored by Verizon Foundation Affiliates include many state depts of ed Lessons and materials for E/LA, science, math, social studies, arts, more Searchable
Web English Teacher Web English Teacher Links to all the other sites Organized by author’s last name or by subject (journalism, creative writing) Search or browse Webmaster likes to hear from you!