Ava D. Rosales, Ph. D. Presented by May 18, 2011 Miami-Dade County Public Schools Division of Mathematics, Science and Advanced Academic Programs Science Department Chairperson’s Dialogue Ramping-up Teaching and Learning #4 Presented by Ava D. Rosales, Ph. D. Instructional Supervisor May 18, 2011 Miami Dade College, Kendall Campus
Welcome and Introductions Agenda Overview District Updates Instructional Strategies and Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) Resources Miami Dade College Sharing Activity: On the Chart Paper, make three columns NGSSS Awareness NGSSS Support NGSSS Needs Complete the Chart Share-out in auditorium main session
Norms Participate Actively Ask questions Learn by doing Set your own learning into action ______________________________ Bathroom and Electronic Devices
Goals for the Session Reflect on professional development provided to support NGSSS transition and teaching and learning Examine the use of data with an “explicit- reflective” approach Share issues/concerns and solutions/strategies regarding student achievement with the NGSSS Explore available resources: District, Institutes of Higher Education, and State
Mapping the NGSSS Benchmarks Using the FCAT 2.0 Test Item Specifications, identify the implications for the following clusters: Nature of Science Earth and Space Science Physical Science Life Science
District Updates The Year in Review and What’s new for 2011 - 2012
Work in progress
Mapping the Benchmarks Grade 6 Curriculum has foundational benchmarks L – hierarchy of life, cells, body systems Not repeated beyond grade-level E – weather, climate and atmosphere P – forces and change in motion, speed Grade 7 Curriculum has foundational benchmarks E – Earth’s evolution, plate tectonics, layers of Earth P – Radiant Energy Not repeated beyond grade-level E – Earth structures P – energy transfer, transformations, L – evolution, heredity, interdependence of living things
Comments from Classroom Teachers Moving from hands-on to minds-on Addressing the “explain” in the 5Es Sixth and seventh grade crunched for time at end of year with all the field trips Administrative support in implementing NGSSS (i.e., grade level placement) Assessments administered and not scanned Real-world connections for content retention Everyone on same track Change and change for teachers’ thinking
Available District Assessments Grade 8: Interim Assessments (2011 – 2012: under design) Grades 6 and 7: Resource Tests (found in Edusoft Benchmark Exams
FCAT 2.0 Assessed Benchmarks
Historical Benchmark Analysis http://curriculum. dadeschools
Average Percent Correct
Pacing Guides by Quarter in Learning Village
General Science Strategies Shared with Principals Encourage teachers to actively improve their science content knowledge to become proficient in their grade-level NGSSS. Monitor the implementation of inquiry based, hands-on activities/labs addressing the necessary benchmarks. Monitor the use of scientific writing (e.g., Power Writing/Lab Reports, Conclusion writing, Current Events, etc.) Monitor the implementation of HOTS and questioning strategies. After each assessment (monthly or interim), conduct data disaggregation of test results to identify benchmarks with unsatisfactory and satisfactory performance. Identify students’ performance within those categories and develop differentiated instruction activities to address the different needs through remediation and enrichment activities. Also conduct mini-assessments and utilize results to drive instruction. Encourage students to participate in science fair activities, SECME, and other types of science competitions. Teachers should maintain a dated Essential lab log. Conduct at least two hands-on activities per week (Elementary) Conduct data chats at all levels. Administrators with teachers and teachers with students and with parents, when possible.
Building Teacher Content Knowledge Annenberg Media - Learner.org Discovery Science podcasts JASON Science NSTA library and professional development ($ - membership) College courses ($$, some free)
Middle School Science Strategies Schedule grade 8 students taking Earth/Space Science Honors and/or Biology Honors into the same homerooms /advisement periods for review of the FCAT 2.0 Annually Assessed benchmarks. Incorporate advisement period activities to help students develop appropriate social and academic coping skills. Monitor the implementation of reading informational text and writing in science. Monitor the implementation of Formative Assessment Probes and higher-order questioning/discussions. Monitor teacher collaboration for vertical and horizontal alignment of instruction. Fair Game Principle in FCAT 2.0 (6-8) Schedule grade 8 students taking Earth/Space Science Honors and/or Biology Honors into the same homerooms to engage in hands-on/interactive activities for review of the FCAT 2.0 Annually Assessed benchmarks that are not directly aligned with the honors courses. Incorporate advisement period activities to help students develop appropriate social and academic coping skills to assist with the seamless transition between elementary and high school years and reduce interruption of core class time with chronic behavior modification issues.. Monitor the implementation of writing and the reading of informational text in science. Incorporating Power Writing Scientific Conclusions for writing and CRISS strategies to read textbooks Conduct inquiry-based, hands-on, laboratory activities minimally once a week Monitor the implementation of Formative Assessment Probes in classes to uncover student misconceptions in science. Page Keeley probes have been aligned in the District Pacing Guides and are available electronically to all middle schools and K – 8 Centers (grades 6 – 8) Encourage teachers to actively improve their science content knowledge through college science courses, learner.org, JASON Science, Discovery Science –all grade level science teachers must have in depth content knowledge of their NHSSS subject matter-cannot rely on grade 9 to teach all benchmarks in preparation for FCAT 2.0
Interim Assessments Pending 2011 – 2012 Grades 5, 8 and Biology Baseline, Fall and Winter Parallel test format – all benchmarks assessed each test
FCAT 2.0 Updates Baseline 2011 – 2012 Test Item Specifications available All FCAT 2.0 items written to the 2008 Standards Comprehensive assessment based on benchmarks from grades 6 – 8 Benchmarks of similar content grouped together All benchmark groupings are annually assessed (AA) All items will be multiple choice
FCAT 2.0 Updates (cont’d) Reference Sheets Items requiring an equation will have the equation included with the item: a reference sheet is not needed and will not be provided A periodic table and a calculator will be provided.
FCAT 2.0 Updates (cont’d) Sample test materials will be written to the 2008 Standards FCAT Explorer and Florida Achieves will be revised and aligned to the 2008 Standards Reporting Categories Nature of Science – 19% Earth and Space Science – 27% Physical Science – 27% Life Science – 27%
FCAT 2.0 Updates (cont’d) Length of test: 60 – 66 questions Administration time, achievement levels, and cut scores have not been finalized Achievement Level Descriptions will be written in August 2011 Standard setting to determine cut scores for achievement levels will be held in Fall 2012
Senate Bill 4 Implementation http://www.fldoe.org/BII/sb4i.asp Technical Assistance Paper: http://www.fldoe.org/BII/pdf/SB4- Final2.pdf Sample content: A. MIDDLE GRADES PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
New: Success Measures Website http://www.fldoe.org/successmeasures/ Success Measures Pathway Tool is a good resource for parents, teachers and students Provides a clear understanding of the materials students are expected to learn and the new state assessments designed to measure that learning.
Resources Curriculum and Instruction http://curriculum.dadeschools.net/ Instructional Technology (Examview Item Bank) http://it.dadeschools.net Florida Department of Education http://www.fldoe.org/ FCAT Resources - http://fcat.fldoe.org/ Florida Standards and Course Descriptions http://www.floridastandards.org/ Florida PROMiSE http://flpromise.org/ Gizmos http://www.explorelearning.com
Follow-up Completion of the Action Plan document accompanied with sign-in sheet and agenda from science department meeting indicating that the information was shared back at the school site School Mail Code: 9628 Attn.: Dr. Ava D. Rosales
Where the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Can Take Our Students Broadcom Masters http://attachmentManagerFiles.dadeschools.net/getFile.ashx?id=N2IucsbyYp7FvRL~!uphRRXPKKgTNxRmXYoX9N4/4mDeYQe1BCVfxsl4aUNegPT7R&app=AttachmentManager
Dr. Ava D. Rosales, Instructional Supervisor SECME Coordinator arosales@dadeschools.net 305-995-4537