Chest film of patient with ischemic heart disease. There is a large ventricular aneurysm with some calcification in mural thrombus.
Normal left coronary arteriogram,lateral projection 1 = left main coronary artery. 2 = anterior descending branch. 3= diagonal branch 4 = diagonal branch. 5 = circumflex branch. 6= marginal branch 7 = posterior-lateral branch. 8 = nodal branch.
Normal right coronary arteriogram. Left anterior oblique projection 1=right main coronary artery. 2=sinus node branch. 3= conus branch 4= right ventricular branch 5 = posterior descending branch 6= right posterio- lateral branch.
Right coronary arteriogram. Lateral projection. There is marked narrowing of the lumen of the main coronary artery in its middle third.
Large ventricular septal defect, with high pulmonary artery pressure due to a large left to right shunt and low pulmonary vascular resistance, resulting in pulmonary pleonaaemia.
Fallot’s tetralogy It is a maldevelopment of the infundibular septum which is displaced forwards and to the right. This displacement carries the aorta forwards so that : A) it overrides the ventricular septal defect, which lies in the membranous septum. B) there is a concurrent narrowing of the right ventricular infundibulum and distortion of the pulmonary valve. C) there is right ventricular hypertrophy secondary to right ventricular outflow tract obstruction. D) ventricular septal defect.
Fallot’s tetralogy. Note marked pulmonary bay and oligaemic lung fields.
Fallot’s tetrology. Right ventricular enlargment is indicated by the apex of the heart being elevated above the diaphragm.
Oligaemia due to reduced pulmonary flow in fallor’s tetrology. The small main and peripheral pulmonary arteries should be noted
Co-arctation of the aorta. Showing bilateral rib notching (4 small arrow heads). Note opacity in left para-tracheal region due to large subclavian artery ( large arrow head). Note also apparently small aortic knuckle ( arrow ).
Co-arctation of the aorta. Notching on the inferior aspects of the posteriolateral ribs related to collateral flow through intercostal arteries secondary to coarctation
Rib notching