Natalie ADAMS Supervisors: Suchith ANAND Didier LEIBOVICI Participatory Health Surveys for Public Health Management of Contagious Diseases: Gastrointestinal Illness in Nottinghamshire
Presentation Overview Background Aims and Objectives Literature Review Methodology Ethics Future work
Background Minimal Gastrointestinal Illness (GI) epidemiology research undertaken at present time despite need for understanding Rise in use of technology in epidemiology –eHealth & mHealth Increasing awareness in public health of need to understand socio-economic and geographical patterns of infected individuals
Aims and Objectives Develop participatory survey for online and mobile applications to collect epidemiological data on GI illness in Nottinghamshire Link data with real-time mapping application to assess individual infection risk To produce a working model and prototype by August 27th Lay foundations for continuance to Masters project Develop links with ASEAN/CISCAI Avian Influenza Monitoring
Literature Review Increasing use of eHealth and mHealth in research for public domain Need for sensitive and ethical handling of data for privacy and confidentiality emphasised GI epidemiology is relatively under researched area and is much in need of investigation
Draft Questionnaire Personal details Postcode Clinical Details
Scenario for GI 1)User connects to survey application via mobile phone web browser 2)Fills in survey, including postcode and GPS position for tracking purposes Infected Individual Application User 3)User receives a map with background information on prevalence/incidence of GI 4)User receives a GI status estimation (probable diagnosis) and advice
Ethics Ethical Approval Pending Use of volunteer participants providing personal information Can liaise with HPA as ethical approval already established Need to guarantee data security
Future Work Hoped that results will indicate potential niche for extensive use of technology in GI epidemiology Links with ASEAN/CISCAI Masters project
References Leibovici D, Anand S, Swan J, Goulding J, Hobona G, Pawlowicz S, Bastin L, Jackson M and James R "OGC Standards based Geospatial mashups for health and epidemic mapping", HealthGIS Open Street Map (2010) [online] Date Accessed: 30 th July Available at: Any Questions?