IST Contribution lisbon Mind Races meeting, September 2005
Outline D5.1: Emotion and Anticipation in brief IST scenario: Anticipatory Affect Model Need for preliminary evaluation: Aini “Virtual Aibo” implementation so far Month 13 (D2.2 and D6.1) contribution
D5.1 D5.1: Anticipation and Emotion –An outline of the reciprocal relation between anticipation and Emotion –Emotion Overview Emotion in: –Philosophy of Mind: better of not studying emotions due to the qualia/intension dicotomy –Neurosciences: Damasio (Somatic Markers), Ledoux (Cognition/Emotion interaction), Assymetry of Emotions. –Psychology “emotional swamp”: phenomenologist, behavioural, physiological, cognitive, developmental, social and clinical approaches to theorizing Emotion. Importance of cognition and appraisal in Emotion Broad definition of Emotion
D5.1 D5.1 Emotion (Kleinginna, 1981) –Complex set of interactions among subjective and objective factors, mediated by neural/hormonal systems, which can: 1.Give rise to affective experiences such as feeling of arousal, pleasure/displeasure (qualia, phenomenologist). 2.Generate cognitive processes such as emotionally relevant perceptual effects, appraisals, labelling processes (intentional, cognitive). 3.Actively widespread physiological adjustments to the arousing conditions (physiological). 4.Lead to behaviour that is often, but not always, expressive, goal-directed and adaptive (intentional, behavioural/developmental/social).
D5.1 D5.1: Affective System Architecture Asynchronous Learning by Emotion and Cognition architecture (Gadanho, 2003) Tractable Appraisal-Based Architecture for Situated COgnizers (Staller and Petta, 1998) 3-towers 3-layers Architecture (Sloman, 2001) Émile system (Gratch, 2000) built on Clark Elliot’s Construal Theory (Elliot, 1992) Carmen’s Bright IDEAS (Marsella, Johnson and LaBore, 2000) Mission Rehearsal Exercise [integration] Fear-Not! (Dias, 2005)
D5.1 D5.1: Anticipation –Rosen (1985) seminal work –The need of defining “desirable” and “undesirable” regions –Similarity with emotions –Side effects: system syndromes –No system integrates affect and anticipation
D5.1 D5.1: Results from the discussion –Differences between anticipatory and anticipatory affective systems –Blueprint of an anticipatory affective system: the anticipatory continuum –Presentation of the scenarios and their problem focus
D5.1 D5.1: Anticipatory Affect Architecture proposals –High-level approach (Castelfranchi & Miceli, 2005) Aiming at BDI integration Bidirectional path Anticipation Emotion in cognitive appraisal: –emotion => antipation: preparatory and premonitory emotions –anticipation => emotion: expectation-based and invalidation- based emotions Expected pre-felt/non pre-felt emotions –Low-level approach (Martinho & Paiva, 2005) Aimed at creating believable behaviour (not necessarily “intelligent”) Emotivector: simple mechanism that uses sensor anticipation to generate basic sensations and attention control that can be use to automatically direct “side-behaviour”.
IST Aibo Scenario Scenario IV takes place in a household environment where Aibo, the synthetic dog, “lives”. As a starting scenario, the environment will be a small warehouse, where several crates lie scattered around, acting as obstacles between Aibo and its targets. Several distracters, will be added to difficult the task and provide with opportunities for Aibo to “play in character” and be evaluated in terms of believability.
Anticipatory Affective Model Environment Processing Sensor * Effector * percept
Anticipatory Affective Model Environment Processing Sensor * Effector * Emotivector * perceptsalience
Anticipatory Affective Model Anticipation is used to generate the salience that is characterized in terms of attention and emotion (9 sensations) potential. anticipated searched Emotion: Positive Reduction sensed time t t +1
Aini: Anticipatory Affect Testbed
Virtual Aibo Toolbox
Create and edit - poses and motions for AIBO ERS-7 Create Composed Motions – reuse some joints of other motions Uses pose and motion file formats used by other AIBO editors. –Allows data exchange between applications Has custom file formats that can be loaded by AIBO Core (developed Library)
Virtual Aibo in a Domotic Environment
Domotic Environment 3D visualization and navigation of a domotic environment using DomoBus protocol. Configurable: –House layout from file –House scenarios can be scripted Domotic control through sockets –Allows a real AIBO to control the simulated environment
Month 13 IST contribution D2.2 (month 13) –Scenarios design and implementation: a technical report with a detailed description of the implementations of the scenarios. Anticipatory affect: From spec in D5.1, specific implementation of Aini. Aibo simulator and refined scenario: first steps towards the experiment. Task D6.1 (month 13) –Implementation of preliminary integrated architectures and preliminary test. Aini architecture and preliminary evaluation.