Welcome the Canadian Safe Boating Training Site! Lateral buoys section
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Overview IntroductionSite MapObjectivesPretest to help determine learning level Level 1 --section 1 --section 2 --section 3 Level 2 --section 1 --section 2 --section 3 Interactive Integrated Assessment Feedback for us.
Objectives Overall objective: Upon completion of this module, vessel operators of all levels and backgrounds should be able to navigate in the Canadian Marine Navigation System areas that are marked by lateral buoys and day marks. Specific Objectives: 1.At the end of this session, you should be able to explain the difference between the nautical terms port and starboard, recognize the terms port and starboard in their marine application and apply these terms in relation to direction. 2.At the end of this session, you should be able to recognize lateral buoys and day marks and should be able to explain the meaning and intent of each. 3.At the end of this session, you should be able to apply the intent of the lateral buoys and day marks in a marine navigation environment.
Choose a learning level Two levels of content have been provided for you. To help determine the appropriate level for you, a pre-test has been provided. You can access the pretest on the link below or to view a brief description of the content in each level, click the appropriate button below. Level 1 Description Level 2 Description Pre-test your knowledge
Pre-test tool instructions Answer each of the three questions provided. Once you have answered you will be provided with the answers and advice on a suitable level of study to pursue. Proceed to pre-test questions
Pre-test Question 1 Select ONE response for each question 1. A port lateral buoy is: () orange. () green. () red. () yellow.
Answer to question 1 The correct answer is: green.
Pre-test Question 2 Select ONE response for the question. 2. Starboard lateral buoys may be shaped as: () triangles and squares. () circles and rectangles. () pillars, cans or spars. () cones, pillars or spars.
Question 2 answer The correct answer is: Cones, pillars or spars.
Pre-test Question 3 Select one response to the question. 3. Numbers on port day beacons will always be: () odd () even () can be either () painted white
Answer to question 3 The correct answer is: odd.
Level Recommended If you answered either of the questions incorrectly or hesitated in your choices, you may wish to begin at level 1. If you answered all questions correctly and with confidence, level 2 is recommended for you. This is a recommendation only. You can do either level 1 or level 2!
Level 1 description Level 1 is aimed at the beginner who is new to boating and unfamiliar with the rules and regulations of boating. Go to level 1 Go to level 2 description Pre-test your knowledge
Level 2 description Level 2 is aimed at the more experienced boater and acts as a refresher course. Go to level 2 Go to level 1 Go to pre-test
Welcome to level 1 section 1.
Section 1 Objective: At the end of this section, you should be able to explain the difference between the nautical terms port and starboard, recognize the terms port and starboard in their marine application and apply these terms in relation to direction.
Level 1/Section 1– Port and Starboard Graphic of boat with port/starboard highlighted appropriately in static colours. Play audio lesson
Level 1/Section 1 – Port and Starboard Various pictorial examples of the terminology in practical use as per LP section 1.3.1
Level 1/Section 1 – Port and Starboard mini-quiz Can you find the answers to the following questions? 1.Port refers to the ___ side of a vessel facing forward. 2. Starboard refers to the ___ side of a vessel facing forward. 3. Hard-a-port means turn quickly to the ___.
Level 1/Section 1—Port and Starboard You have reached the end of section 1. Would you like to proceed to section 2 or review section 1 again? Proceed to section 2 Review section 1 again
Welcome to level 1/Section 2!
Level 1/Section 2 - Objective Objective: At the end of this session, you should be able to recognize lateral buoys and day marks and should be able to explain the meaning and intent of each.
Level 1/Section 2 -- Introduction to buoys Buoys are aids to navigation which are used internationally.
Level 1/Section 2 -– Aids to Navigation Aids to navigation: -- are devices or systems external to pleasure craft. -- help a boat operator determine both position and course. -- can warn of dangers or obstructions. Back to section 2
Level 1/Section 2 – Lateral Buoys There are two types of lateral buoys: Port buoys and Starboard buoys. Click on each of the highlighted words for more information on each. Play audio lesson
Level 1/Section 2 – Port hand buoys Port hand buoys are: --green --can be shaped as cans, spars or pillars --if they do not have a green light they will be flat on top Continue with section 2 Click here for samples of Port hand buoys
Level 1/Section 2 – Port hand buoys Various samples to be placed here… Continue with section 2
Level 1/Section 2 – Starboard hand buoys Starboard hand buoys are: -- red -- can be shaped as cones, spars, or pillars -- will have a red light or be conical on top. Click here for samples of Port hand buoys Back to section 2
Level 1/Section 2 – Starboard hand buoys samples Various samples inserted here… Back to level 1 exit
Level 1/Section 1 – Day Marks There are also two types of day marks or day beacons: Port day beacons and starboard day beacons. Click on the highlighted words for more information. Play audio lesson
Level 1/Section 2 – Port day marks A port day beacon -- marks the port side of a channel or danger during the daylight hours -- must be kept to the left of a pleasure craft when heading up stream -- is square with a black or green coloured square centred on a white background -- may display an odd number See sample
Level 1/Section 2 – Port day beacon sample Graphic to be inserted Back to section 2
Level 1/Section 2 – Starboard hand beacon A starboard hand beacon: -- marks the starboard side of a channel or danger during the daylight hours -- must be kept on the right side -- is a red triangle with white background -- may display an even number See sample
Level 1/Section 2 – Starboard day beacon Sample Insert graphic Back to section 2
Level 1/Section 2 – Port and Starboard mini-quiz 1.What are the three shapes of port buoys? 2.Does a light on a lateral buoy flash or remain steady? 3.What shape is the top of a starboard hand buoy? Return to start Of level 1/section 2 Proceed to section 3
Level 1/Section 2 – Introduction to buoys You have now reached the conclusion of section 2! Would you like to proceed to section 3 or review section 2? Proceed to Section 3 Start section 2 again
Welcome to level 1/section 3 -- Understanding the use of lateral buoys and day marks
Level 1/Section 3 -- Objective At the end of this session, you should be able to apply the intent of the lateral buoys and day marks in a marine navigation environment.
Level 1/Section 3 -- Understanding how to use the buoys/day beacons Play audio lesson Graphic of vessel and waterway directions (inbound/outbound)
Level 1/Section 3 – Understanding how to use the buoys/day beacons Four pictures as per LP 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5.
Level 1 -- Summary Congratulations! You have come to the end of the material in level 1. You should now be aware of how to recognize lateral buoys and day beacons and know their function. It is recommended that you now work through level 2 to cement your knowledge. Or you may proceed directly to the Assessment portion of the module to test yourself and use the buoys in a practical exercise. Level 2Assessment
Interactive Assessment Exercise You now have the opportunity to test your knowledge of lateral buoys in this simulation! Your goal is to safely navigate the boat through the entrance to the harbour.
User Survey Please take a few moments to complete the survey so we can continue to improve our course. Survey for Students Please respond to the statements below on a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 indicates you Strongly Agree (SA) and 5 indicates you Strongly Disagree (SD). Respond only to questions that are applicable to the course you have taken. SASD 1. The course site was easy to navigate. ()1()2()3()4()5 2. The level(s) of content were appropriate.()1()2()3()4()5 3. The interactivity was appropriate. ()1()2()3()4()5 4. The expectations for the learner were clear.()1()2()3()4()5 5. The feedback in the course was appropriate.()1()2()3()4()5 Feel free to comment on any aspect of the module you liked or disliked in the space below.