วิวัฒนาการของบรรจุภัณฑ์ อาจารย์ชนันท์ ราษฎร์นิยม
วิวัฒนาการของบรรจุภัณฑ์ แลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็น 5 นาที สรุปบนกระดาน ใช้เครื่องคิดเลขคำนวณ ปี ค. ศ. = ปี พ. ศ
Conventional packaging Glass Paper Metal Plastic
Time-line of development of packaging (glass) Year/CenturyDevelopment in glass 7000 B.C.Pottery made 1500 B.C.Glass industrialised in Egypt 1200 B.C.Glass cups and bowls moulded 300 B.C.Blowpipe invented 0Transparent glass made 10 th Glass making process commenced across Europe 17 th Split mould invented 1795Food preserved in glass jars by hot-fill method to remove air 18 th Irregular shaped glass and raised decoration made 1858Metal caps designed for glass jars 1889Automatic rotary bottle making machine invented 1898Crown caps invented for glass bottles 19 th Microorganism found to cause food spoilage 1903Semiautomatic machine making jars and bottles invented
Time-line of development of packaging (paper) Year/CenturyDevelopment in paper 200 B.C.Paper made in China 1310Paper made in UK 16 th Cardboard made in China 1690Paper made in US 1817Cardboard box made in UK 1844Paper bags commercialised in UK 1850sCorrugated paper made in UK 1852Bag making machine made in US 1867Paper made from wood pulp 1870Glued paper sack invented 1880sParaffin coating made fat and fluid impermeable paper and cartons 19 th Shipping carton made of corrugated paperboard replaced wooden crates 1905Printed paper bags made 1925Large paper sack ends sewn 1952Cartons coated with PE replaced glass and cans for milk and fruit drinks
Time-line of development of packaging (metal) Year/CenturyDevelopment in metal 1200Tin plate made in Bohemia 1400sIron cans coated with tin made in Bavaria 1600sPlating process commenced in Europe, France and UK 1764Snuff packed in metal canisters in London 1809Tin cans made 1810Tinplate patented 1810Uses of metal containers to replace fragile glass patented 1811Iron containers introduced for food packaging 1812Meat packed in iron cans 1813Meat packed in tin cans 19th (early)Steel replaced iron in US 1819Canning method arrived US 1821Canned food commercialised in US 1825Al powder first extracted from bauxite ore but expensive 1830sCookies and matches packed in tin cans
Time-line of development of packaging (metal) Year/CenturyDevelopment in metal 1841Collapsible soft Al tubes invented 1852Al making process developed 1856Sweetened condensed milk packed in cans American civil war made canned food significantly popular 1866Keywind metal tear-strip developed 1866Metal boxes first printed in US 1868Enamel for can developed 1868Hand-made cans replaced by machine-cut types 1875Can opener invented 1888Double seam closure and sealing compound developed 1890Toothpaste packed in collapsible metal tubes 1904Contamination by lead soldering solved 1910Aluminium foils made 1920sNutritional value of canned food developed 1930sSmall portable canning machine invented and replaced glass jars and bottles
Time-line of development of packaging (metal) Year/CenturyDevelopment in metal 1942Aluminium price declined 40 times 1950Aluminium foil containers developed 1950Pop top/tear tab lids made for cans 1959Aluminium cans made 1960sFood packed in collapsible metal tubes 1970sMetals and plastics gained popularity
Time-line of development of packaging (plastic) Year/CenturyDevelopment in plastic 1831Styrene first distilled from balsam tree 1835Vinyl chloride discovered 1870Celluloid patented 1898Polyethylene (PE) made accidently 1900Cellulose acetate derived from wood pulp 1909Cellulose acetate developed for photographic uses 1924Cellophane made in New York 1933Styrene process refined in German 1933PE used for military and drug tablets 1935Synthesis for PE developed in UK 1939Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) industrialised in UK 1940sFood packaging entered era of disposable packaging 1950s (early)Polypropylene (PP) invented 1947Vinyl chloride used for deodorant squeeze bottle
Time-line of development of packaging (plastic) Year/CenturyDevelopment in plastic 1950Foam boxes, cups and meat trays made from styrene 1950Cellophane commercialised and used for packaging 1958Heat shrinkable films developed from styrene and synthetic rubber 1977Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) used for beverages 1980sPackaging made for microwave uses and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) developed for ready-to-eat fresh vegetables and fruits 1980Hot-fill food products (jam) packaged in PET
Modern packaging Active packaging Smart packaging Intelligent packaging
Time-line of development of modern packaging Year/CenturyDevelopment in active packaging 1810Tinplate used for consuming residual O 2 in cans and reacting to protect iron base 1938Fe, Zn, Mn used to remove O 2 from cans 1943Fe used to absorb O 2 from vacuum packs / gas packs 1954Regenerated cellulose films (RCF) impregnated with sorbic acid used for cheese 1955Catalytic conversion of H 2 used to remove O 2 from tinplate cans and laminate pouches 1956Enzyme impregnated in particular glucose oxide to remove O 2 from food packages patenyted 1958Packets and sachets of chemicals for removing O 2 from food packages first published 1968Sodium carbonate powder for removing O 2 from food packages patented 1970Potassium permanganate used to absorb ethylene in LDPE bags 1973Antimicrobial wrappers used to extend food shelf life 1976Iron-based O 2 scavengers commercialised 1980sPackaging made for microwave uses and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) developed for ready-to-eat fresh vegetables and fruits
Time-line of development of modern packaging Year/CenturyDevelopment in active packaging 1986First use of term “Smart packaging” and “Interactive packaging” 1987First use of term “active packaging” 1995Carbon dioxide generators commercialised 1995Sulfur dioxide-releasing pad invented 1997Ethanol-generating films or sachets patented
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