What Does Great Teaching Look Like? Professional Learning Communities USD #443 Secondary Schools
Participants will demonstrate an understanding of the connection between administrative expectations during walk throughs and excellent instruction leading to student engagement, by describing that connection on a “ticket-out”. Mastery Objective
What is the eWalkThrough? Learning Environment Effective Educators... carry high expectations positive interactive classrooms engaging lessons instruction meeting individual needs safe and respectful classroom Explicit Instruction Effective Educators... meaningful lesson planning use engaging instructional strategies meeting individual learning needs multiple types of assessment use resources (human, technological and tangible) effectively The document that Dodge City Public Schools will be using during walk throughs to gather evidence of specific observable practices that demonstrate excellent instruction and student engagement.
Learning Environment What does a classroom with a strong learning environment look like, sound like, feel like? Close your eyes and visualize a classroom with an excellent learning environment. Think about what it looks like, sounds like, etc. Share several descriptive ideas with a partner, choose your top three. Write each idea on a separate sticky note.
The eWalkThrough examines 5 areas of the classroom environment. 1)teacher proximity 2)classroom management 3)mutual respect, rapport and responsiveness 4)physical environment 5)higher-level questioning Place your sticky note under the proper heading on the wall.
Explicit Instruction includes... 1)Mastery Objective 2)Checks for Understanding 3)Use of Resources 4)Instructional Strategies
Explicit Instruction Mastery Objective Components 1) Today’s Learning Goal: The student will demonstrate an understanding of... OR The student will be able to... 2) Today’s Formative Assessment: How will I know we have met our learning goal? “The student will demonstrate by.....”
Explicit Instruction Mastery Objective Evidence 1)Is it posted? 2)Is it communicated verbally? 3)Is it communicated throughout the lesson? 4)Does it match student activity? 5)Does it include both components of the mastery objective?
Occurs frequently Actively engages every student Activity is relative to mastery objective Teacher gives feedback Explicit Instruction Checks for Understanding Evidence
Artifacts Manipulatives Textbooks Support Staff Instructional Technology Worksheets Explicit Instruction Resource Evidence
Cues, questions and organizers Proving feedback Cooperative learning Non-linguistic representation Generating and testing hypothesis Identify similarities and differences Summarizing and note-taking Reinforcing effort Academic/Common Core Vocabulary instruction Explicit Instruction Effective Strategies Evidence
eWalkThroughs gather evidence of specific observable practices Effective Instruction and Student Engagement
Thank You For Doing Your Best For Our Students!