Ukrainian food
Ukraine Is a country in Eastern Europe with reach culture and cuisine.
The most famous dishes are borshch, perogies, and cabbage rolls.
Bread and wheat products are very important part of Ukrainian meal. Decorations on the top of breads can be elaborate for celebrations.
Ukrainian food guide Daily amount of food recommended by Ministry of Health of Ukraine: 300g of fruits and 300g of vegetables Substitute white breads with wholegrain ones ml low-fat milk products Main source of protein should be fish, poultry, seeds, and nuts. Avoid consuming foods reach in trans-fats 6g of salt
There are many ingredients Ukrainians use to prepare their food. I would like to talk about three of them. Red beets Meat Rye flour
Red beets Red beets are used in many dishes. In addition to their sweet taste they are very nutritious. They contain: Potassium (deficiency of it leads to hypertension) Dietary fiber (lowers cholesterol levels, reducing risk of colon cancer, and helps to loose weight) Protein Vitamin C and B6 (support immune and nervous systems) Iron (blood formation) Magnesium (low magnesium levels are associated with metabolic syndrome, diabetes type 2 and hypertension)
Meat Meat is unavoidable part of Ukrainian meal. It is a source of protein which is a main building material in human body. Tissues, blood, hormones, enzymes – everything is made of protein. Meat is containing iron that is vital to the blood formation. Meat provides human body with energy.
Rye flour Rye flour is being used in Ukraine for centuries. It is always being worshiped as a keeper of life. There is an old saying about it :” Bread is a head of everything”. Rye bread contains many minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, cupper, selenium. Also, it contains almost the whole group of vitamins B.
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