Hospitality & Healing Svcs. Domain: Update Domain Team Lead: Doug Della Pietra Director, Customer Svcs & Volunteers Rochester General Hospital, Rochester, NY
Hospitality & Healing Svcs. Domain Learning Objectives & Assignments Learning ObjectivesTeam Member Assignment #1 Define ‘hospitality’ within healthcare, identifying the scope and core services that contribute to its function Colleen Sweeney #2 Define ‘healing’, identifying the optimum environment for its occurrence, including the various “healing services.” Margo Halm #3 Designate the key behaviors, assumptions, attitudes, values and skills necessary to foster culture of patient and family centeredness Lisa DiTroia #4 Explain evidence-based practices for introducing healing touchpoints that positively impact the patient experience. Doug Della Pietra (Domain Team Leader) #5 Understand how to measure, sustain programs and build ongoing communication to promote these services to engage staff, align leadership, and garner support from the community Darrell Atkin
Hospitality & Healing Svcs. Domain: Next Steps ObjectiveActionsDate/Timeframe Between Meeting Homework Identify and develop section material and outline concepts and key learning components, supporting resources/materials, and suggested assessment questions Based on team member assignment to one of Domain Learning Objectives, team members will 1.Identify and develop sections associated with their assigned learning objectives; 2.Outline the Concepts to be addressed within each Section; 3.Specify key learning components/points and takeaways; 4.Note any supporting resources/materials used in development; & 5.Highlight suggested assessment questions for learning objective to Doug By end of Tuesday, September 11 th Meeting #4 Review Each Individual Team Member’s Work for Team Input/Guidance Team members will review the draft of their work for team input 1.Identify/develop sections associated with assigned learning objectives; 2.Outline the Concepts to be addressed within each Section; 3.Specify key learning components/points and takeaways; 4.Note any supporting resources/materials used in development; & 5.Highlight suggested assessment questions for learning objective. Phone and WebEx meeting Friday, Sept. 14 th Post-Meeting Homework Complete 2 nd draft of learning objective sections, concepts, & key learnings based on team input Each team member completes second draft of learning objectives, sections, on developing “Sections” and “Concepts” for individual learning objective sections, concepts and key learnings to Doug By end of Thursday, Sept. 27 th Meeting #5 Final Review Review and finalize each team member’s 2 nd draft of sections, concepts, key learning points, supporting resources/materials, and suggested assessment questions Phone and WebEx meeting Week of October 1 st Complete Final “Domain Template” Submit finalized “Domain Template to The Beryl InstituteBy Friday, October 12 th