Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 (Oil Spills & Global Warming) *4 th Grade* By: Bithy M, Kalon L, Barbara G.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 (Oil Spills & Global Warming) *4 th Grade* By: Bithy M, Kalon L, Barbara G

 Lesson 1- Oil Spills In a Natural Ocean Environment  Children’s Literature: Sea Otter Rescue by Roland Smith  Lesson 2- Human Activity & Its affect on organisms  Children’s Literature: Global Warming by Seymour Simon (book) MAIN TOPICS

 5.5 collecting, Representing, and Interpreting Data using spreadsheets and graphing software skills  ISTE NETS Standards for literate standard (s): 3d. Research and information fluency-process data and report results  5b. Digital citizenship-exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity Lesson #1- NYTM MATH ISTE NETS

NYC Science Scope & Sequence  Inquiry Skills:  Comparing and contrasting – identifying similarities and differences between or  among objects, events, data, systems, etc.  Creating models – displaying information, using multisensory representations  Gathering and organizing data – collecting information about objects and events  which illustrate a specific situation  Making decisions – identifying alternatives and choosing a course of action from  among the alternatives after basing the judgment for the selection on justifiable  reasons  Generalizing – drawing general conclusions from particulars  Process Skills:  Observe, identify, and communicate cause-and-effect relationships.  xvi. Generate appropriate questions (teacher- and student-based) in response  to observations, events, and other experiences.  xvii. Observe, collect, organize, and appropriately graph data, then accurately  interpret results.  xviii. Collect and organize data, choosing the appropriate representation:  journal entries  graphs  drawings/pictorial representations  xix. Make predictions based on prior experiences and/or information.  xx. Compare and contrast organisms/objects/events in the living and  physical environments.  xxi. Identify and control variables/factors.  xxii. Plan, design, and implement a short-term and long-term investigation  based on a student- or teacher-posed problem.  xxiii. Communicate procedures and conclusions through oral and written Inquiry and Process skills

 Bloom’s Taxonomy:  1.Knowledge  2.Comprehension  3.Application  Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence(s):  1.Visual 2.Naturalistic 3. Logical/Mathematical Bloom’s Taxonomy & Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences



Student-Based Performance


Open and Closed-Ended Questions

NYC Science Scope & Sequence  Inquiry Skills: Classifying – arranging or distributing objects, events, or information representing objects or events in classes according to some method or system  Process Skills: Observe, collect, organize, and appropriately graph data, then accurately interpret results. NCTM Math Skills  Process Standards: Data Analysis & Probability: Design investigations to address a question and consider how data-collection methods affect the nature of the data set  Content Standards: Multiplicative thinking, equivalence, and computational fluency ISTE NETs Standards for Literate Students  Research and Information Fluency: Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. Process data and report results.  Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making: Plan and manage activities to develop a solution and/or make informed decisions. Lesson #2 - Standards

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension and Analysis Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence(s): Linguistic, Naturalistic and Spatial Behavioral Objective(s):  1. To define what global warming is and how it is harmful to organisms  2. To create a bar graph showing which organisms are affected most by global warming  3. To create a pie chart to show which human activity emits the most carbon dioxide Blooms’ Taxonomy/Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence & Behavior Objectives

 Ask class if they know what global warming means  Define what global warming is  Show a video on global warming for visual learners to understand it better (  Discuss the video and what they learned about global warming  Talk about how global warming affects organisms  Create a Bar Graph showing which organisms are most affected by global warming  Discuss how human activity emits carbon dioxide  Create a Pie Chart about the biggest contributors that release carbon dioxide Procedures

Open-Ended Questions: 1. What type of organisms are affected by global warming? -Polar Bears, Penguins, Plants, Fish, Reindeer, etc. 2. How can we reduce carbon dioxide emission? - Turn off appliances when not in use, ride bicycles instead of driving Closed-Ended Questions: 1. Which is the main contributor to global warming? -Increase in green house gases that release carbon dioxide (known as “greenhouse effect”) 2. What is global warming? - The increase of Earth’s temperature heating up Open and Closed-Ended Questions