Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Local and regional administration in Finland Olav Jern Chief County Executive
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Population and demography in Finland Population density in the EU is approximately 114 inhabitants/km 2. Finland’s population density is 17,6 inhabitants/km 2. Population density in Uusimaa region is 166,8 inhabitants/km 2, which is almost equal to Luxemburg and Switzerland. Population density in Ostrobothnia is 23 inhabitants/km 2. Population density in Helsinki is 2730,3 inhabitants/km 2. There are only 0,2 inhabitants/km 2 in the most sparsely populated municipalities in Finland.
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Population comparisons in Finland Population approximately equal to population in the Metropolitan Area Population approximately equal to population in Helsinki Total polulation in the Metropolitan Area is about 1,0 million. Total population in Helsinki is about 0,57 million.
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia 15-Oct local authorities (municipalities) in Finland but the number is decreasing… … Number of local authorities in Finland
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Municipalities with more than 1000 immigrants Helsinki Espoo Vantaa Turku Tampere Lahti Vaasa Oulu Jyväskylä Kotka Lappeenranta Salo Kouvola Kuopio Porvoo Joensuu Hämeenlinna Rovaniemi Maarianhamina Kerava Hyvinkää Kirkkonummi Pori
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Central Administration and Ministries From
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Regional administration Line Government Political Program Parliament’s alignments for Regional Development and Land Use Policies of Government Offices/ Ministries Development Plans of the Regions Regional Dev. Plans Reg. Dev. Programs 18 Regions (Strategic) goals of Industrial and Regional development rising from local level Central administration line Planning of Regional Development Actions in Finland
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Tasks of the Regional Council The Regional Council is an expert development organisation acting as an active and cooperation- oriented initiative taker for the region in important development projects. Task fields of the Regional Council: regional development spatial planning (land use) regional cooperation and lobbying international cooperation cultural development own projects etc.
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Plans and programmes of the Regional Council The plans and programmes serving as the guidelines for the development of the Region: the Regional Plan the Regional Land Use Plan the Regional Strategic Programme and its Implementation Plan the Reform of the municipal and the service structure the Cultural Strategy the Broad-band Strategy
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia The organization in regional councils Regional Council (General Assembly) –about members Board of Administration –about members Chief County Executive Office: The Staff: about people Administration Spatial Planning Implementation of EU’s Structural Policy
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia LEVELS OF ADMINISTRATION IN FINLAND NATIONAL LEVEL REGIONAL LEVEL PARLAMENTARY ELECTION LOCAL LEVEL 6 State Regional Administration Offices for Employment, Business Development and Traffic and Environment 15 Regional Councils (Regional planning, regional development) 18 S T A T E Municipalities and joint municipal authorities (education and culture, social welfare and health, technical infrastrucucture, water and waste, environment, local economy and employment, recreation,…) Citizens, enterprises, local communities MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHARGES, TAXES STATE GRANTS Police and justice, taxation, local employment offices Åland 80 % 20 % State Regional Administration Offices PARLAMENTARY ELECTIONS AVIELY
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia State Regional Administration Offices (6 AVI –offices in Finland)
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia State Regional Administration Offices for Employment, Business Development and Traffic and Environment (=15 ELY - offices in Finland)
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Structural Funds
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Eligible areas in the map Whole of Finland to competitiveness and employment objective For Eastern Finland special treatment (phasing in -area with phasing out treatment) For Eastern and Northern Finland extra 35 euros/inh. Total structural fund financing reduced by 26 % EU Council :
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia EU-structural fund (ERDF ja ESF) funding in Finland : Objektive 2 ERDF Southern Finland Westrrn Finland Eastern Finland Northern Finland Ahvenamaaa Objective 2 ESF National part Eastern Finland Northern Finland Southern Finland Western Finland Ahvenmaa Together ERDF and ESF ERDF ESF ETC All together €
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Administrative levels of programmes: 1.EU/Regio, Employment DGs + others 2.National level Mfi (Ministry of Finance)and other ministries MEE (Ministry of Employment and the Economy) as management and certifying authorities Auditing authority Structural fund committee
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Administrative levels of programmes: Regional administration 3a) NUTS 2-regions - established models of cooperation (alliances) 3b) NUTS 3 -Regions, Regional Councils, other regional authorities RCGs (MYR), secretariat, possible working groups Worth to notice, too: -Actors of national programmes -Local action groups (Leader) -Subregions and municipalities
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Objective programmes: Regional competitiveness and employment objective –ERDF–action programmes –ESF-action programmes –Ahvenanmaa Regional cooperation
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Four NUTS II -areas: Northern Finland Keski- ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaa sekä Lappi Eastern Finland Etelä- ja Pohjois-Savo, Pohjois-Karjala ja Kainuu Western Finland Satakunta, Pirkanmaa, Keski-Suomi, Etelä- Pohjanmaa ja Pohjanmaa Southern Finland Uusimaa, Itä-Uusimaa, Kymenlaakso, Etelä- Karjala, Päijät-Häme, Kanta-Häme ja Varsinais-Suomi
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia ERDF-operational programmes, priorities: 1. Business development 2. Enhancement of innovation activities and networking, strenghtening of competence structures 3. Improvement of regional accessibility and operative environment 4. Development of big cityareas (only in SF and WF programmes) 5. NUTS II -areas – thematical concentration of actions( only in SF and WF-programmes) Technical support (4 % out of public funding)
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia ESF-programmes, priorities: Pr 1: Development of working organisations, labour force on work and enhancement of enterpreunership (31 %) Pr 2: Enhancement of employment and staying in work, prevention of social exlusion (32 %) Pr 3: Development of competence, innovation and service models to enhance functioning of Labour Force (27 %) Pr 4: Cooperation between member states and regions in ESF- activities (6 %) Pr 5: Technical support (4 %)
Österbottens förbund Pohjanmaan liitto Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Territorial Cooperation Objective EU-funding 120 milj. € The Finnish Structural Fund Strategy forms a bases for these programmes in some suitable issues