Cultivation To propagate the viral particle in its specific host i.e. Increase viral concentration through support viral replication.


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Presentation transcript:

Cultivation To propagate the viral particle in its specific host i.e. Increase viral concentration through support viral replication.

Cultivation Bacteria Plant Animal Insect

Methods of animal virus cultivation 1.Organized tissue. 2.Cell culture. 3.Laboratory animals.

Chick embryo technique

Methods of animal virus cultivation 1.Organized tissue. 2.Cell culture. 3.Laboratory animals.

Cell culture 1.Removal. 2.Homogenization. 3.Washing. 4.Trypsinization. 5.Washing. 6.Growing. 7.Inoculation. 8.Incubation.

Methods of animal virus cultivation 1.Organized tissue. 2.Cell culture. 3.Laboratory animals.


Types of cell culture Primary Diploid Suspension Permanent

Primary cell culture A culture derived directly from a tissue

Diploid cell culture Subsequent cultures derived from primary cell culture.

Suspension cell culture A culture in it the dispersed cells are not allowed to settle down, but they are kept floating by continuous shaking of the flasks.

Permanent cell line A culture derived from single separated cell i.e. diploid culture it can be propagated indefinitely.

Cultivation of plant viruses Protoplast and callus method. Mechanical method. Biological method.

Cultivation of plant viruses Protoplast and callus method. Mechanical method. Biological method.

InoculationIncubation InoculationIncubation

Cultivation of plant viruses Protoplast and callus method. Mechanical method. Biological method.

Cultivation of plant viruses Protoplast and callus method. Mechanical method. Biological method.


Cultivation of bacterial viruses 1. On broth media 2. On solid medium

Bacteria + solid agar Virus + semisolid agar

Cultivation of Insect viruses

Criteria of purity Chemical purity Physical purity Biological purity