A Study of Anchored Fiber Reinforced Plastics Sheet Pile Yeou-Fong Li 1 and Ching-Kai Chen 2 Keywords : Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composite Material, Frame, Grating, Pushover Test Introduction: FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastics) composite materials have the merits of light weight, high strength, well- durability and other characteristics. In this study, FRP sheet piles were used to solve the corrosion problem of the geotechnical structures. 1 Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, NTUT, Taipei, Taiwan. 2 Master of the Department of Civil Engineering, NTUT, Taipei, Taiwan. 3 Points Bending moment Experiment Ansys Analysis Result Span depth ratio Experience(mm) Euler’s beam(mm) Error2.32%9.70%34.98%42.25% Timoshenko’s beam(mm) Error19.15%15.02%4.12%5.28% 跨深比 跨度 (m) ANSYS(mm) 實驗值 (mm) ANSYS 與實驗相對誤差 0.16%0.10%8.44%4.93% Angle 45°60°90° Stiffness (kN/mm) Cross section area(cm2) Stiffness/Cross section area (kN/mm·cm 2 ) Moment of inertia(cm4) 6,4967,0828,954 Stiffness/Moment of inertia (kN/mm·cm 4 ) First, the 3-point bending experiment was performed, and changing the span depth ration to obtain the specimen’s stiffness. The specimen of 18-span depth ratio whose displacement is more approach to Euler’s Beam theory from the experimental observation. Using the result of the experiment to feedback the finite element analysis model, and then we found the error of numerical model’s result is less about 8.5 %. Then changing the numerical model’s angle and thickness to investigate the stiffness and stiffness over cross section area. According to the numerical FRP sheet pile model, the 60°-angle FRP sheet pile is most economical between 45°, 60° and 90°. Furthermore, the thickness of the mm FRP sheet pile is more economical than the thickness of the 6.35 mm and mm FRP sheet piles. 版樁厚度 Stiffness(kN/mm) Stiffness/Cross section area (kN/mm·cm 2 ) Stiffness/Moment of inertia (kN/mm·cm 4 ) span depth ratio14-span depth ratio 10-span depth ratio8-span depth ratio Plaxis Analysis Result Then, three kinds of sheet piles (FRP, PVC and steel) were modeled using Plaxis. We found that the PVC sheet pile has the lowest stiffness which causes its deflection concerns and a very low safety factor. On the other hand, the steel sheet pile enjoys the highest stiffness, lowest deflection and consequently, the largest safety factor. Furthermore, in order to improve the safety of the slope of the embankment, this study compares results of the the cantilever with the anchored FRP sheet pile. According to the results, the safety factor of the anchored FRP sheet pile is higher than cantilever one by 1.9 folds. 打設深度 1 m2 m3 m 懸臂式安全係數 錨碇式安全係數 提升之安全係數 版樁材料 FRP 版樁 PVC 版樁鋼板樁 極限強度 MPa54.92 MPa MPa 打樁深度 最大 彎矩 安全 係數 最大 彎矩 安全 係數 最大 彎矩 安全 係數 1 m 4.72MP a MPa MP a m m
A Study of Anchored Fiber Reinforced Plastics Sheet Pile Yeou-Fong Li 1 and Ching-Kai Chen 2 Keywords : Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composite Material, Frame, Grating, Pushover Test Introduction: FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastics) composite materials have the merits of light weight, high strength, well- durability and other characteristics. In this study, FRP sheet piles were used to solve the corrosion problem of the geotechnical structures. 1 Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, NTUT, Taipei, Taiwan. 2 Master of the Department of Civil Engineering, NTUT, Taipei, Taiwan. 3 Points Bending moment Experiment Ansys Analysis Result Span depth ratio Experience(mm) Euler’s beam(mm) Error2.32%9.70%34.98%42.25% Timoshenko’s beam(mm) Error19.15%15.02%4.12%5.28% 跨深比 跨度 (m) ANSYS(mm) 實驗值 (mm) ANSYS 與實驗相對誤差 0.16%0.10%8.44%4.93% Angle 45°60°90° Stiffness (kN/mm) Cross section area(cm2) Stiffness/Cross section area (kN/mm·cm 2 ) Moment of inertia(cm4) 6,4967,0828,954 Stiffness/Moment of inertia (kN/mm·cm 4 ) First, the 3-point bending experiment was performed, and changing the span depth ration to obtain the specimen’s stiffness. The specimen of 18-span depth ratio whose displacement is more approach to Euler’s Beam theory from the experimental observation. Using the result of the experiment to feedback the finite element analysis model, and then we found the error of numerical model’s result is less about 8.5 %. Then changing the numerical model’s angle and thickness to investigate the stiffness and stiffness over cross section area. According to the numerical FRP sheet pile model, the 60°-angle FRP sheet pile is most economical between 45°, 60° and 90°. Furthermore, the thickness of the mm FRP sheet pile is more economical than the thickness of the 6.35 mm and mm FRP sheet piles. 版樁厚度 Stiffness(kN/mm) Stiffness/Cross section area (kN/mm·cm 2 ) Stiffness/Moment of inertia (kN/mm·cm 4 ) span depth ratio14-span depth ratio 10-span depth ratio8-span depth ratio Plaxis Analysis Result Then, three kinds of sheet piles (FRP, PVC and steel) were modeled using Plaxis. We found that the PVC sheet pile has the lowest stiffness which causes its deflection concerns and a very low safety factor. On the other hand, the steel sheet pile enjoys the highest stiffness, lowest deflection and consequently, the largest safety factor. Furthermore, in order to improve the safety of the slope of the embankment, this study compares results of the the cantilever with the anchored FRP sheet pile. According to the results, the safety factor of the anchored FRP sheet pile is higher than cantilever one by 1.9 folds. Depth1 m2 m3 m Safty Factor of Cantilever Sheet pile Safty Factor of Anchored sheet pile Increment of Safety Factor FRP Cantilever sheet pile FRP Anchored sheet pile Material Depth FRPPVCSteel 1 m m m