MIAP AND THE HE SECTOR Presentation by Lynne Thomas Implementation Consultant (HE) MIAP Service.


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Presentation transcript:

MIAP AND THE HE SECTOR Presentation by Lynne Thomas Implementation Consultant (HE) MIAP Service

A shared service for the education sector delivered by the Learning and Skills Council. From inception, the objectives have been to streamline the collection, handling and sharing of information across the UK education sector and to facilitate a learner-centric approach to learner information. Over 40 partner organisations. MIAP offers the following services The UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP) Common Data Definitions (CDDs) The Learner Registration Service (LRS) The Personal Learning Record Service (PLRS) These shared services allow organisations to work together more effectively using new models of delivery for data collection, sharing and reporting. This makes it easier to bring information together to directly benefit learners, IAG services, employers, schools, colleges and universities. The MIAP Programme Collect once, use many times, used by all Managing Information Across Partners

The LRS allows learning providers to register learners for ULNs. There are now over 7.5 million learners with a ULN and many students enrolling from English state-funded schools will have one. We have nearly 4900 providers – Learner Registration Bodies (LRBs) – using the LRS to assign ULNs to their students. LRBs should be registered with UKRLP and have a Unique Provider Number (UPN). Around 40 HEIs are registered LRBs. Over 3 million ULNs were validated by the big 5 Awarding Bodies this summer. de Montfort University registered over 22,000 learners in a single batch. The Learner Registration Service (LRS) The LRS allocates lifelong Unique Learner Numbers (ULNs) The ULN will be allocated to every person in education and training aged 14+

The ULN is: an index number for the learner that will be used throughout their education a 10 digit number designed to simplify the collection and sharing of data the enabler for a number of initiatives in the education sector in England including Diplomas, QCF and Skills Accounts, Offender Learning (OLASS) and NAVMS … and for the Baccalaureate and CQFW in Wales The Unique Learner Number The ULN is required to be shared A lifelong number that is never reallocated to another learner

The Data Items Find Learner by Demographics Given Name Family Name Date of Birth Gender Last Known Postcode Other search fields: Previous Family Name ; School at age 16; Place of Birth; address Find Learner by Demographics Given Name Family Name Date of Birth Gender Last Known Postcode Other search fields: Previous Family Name ; School at age 16; Place of Birth; address Find by ULN ULN Given Name Family Name Find by ULN ULN Given Name Family Name Additional Fields Preferred Given Name Middle Other Name Previous Family Name Family Name at 16 School at Age 16 Last Known Address line 1 Last Known Address Line 2 Last Known Address Town Last Known Address County or City Date of Address Capture Place of Birth Address Nationality Scottish Candidate Number Additional Fields Preferred Given Name Middle Other Name Previous Family Name Family Name at 16 School at Age 16 Last Known Address line 1 Last Known Address Line 2 Last Known Address Town Last Known Address County or City Date of Address Capture Place of Birth Address Nationality Scottish Candidate Number Ability to Share Verification Type

How does the ULN relate to HE? The ULN is mandatory for Universities and Colleges in England submitting ILRs direct to the Learning and Skills Council for funding purposes. Around 4% of students from English state-funded schools, FE and sixth form colleges are providing their ULN as part of the UCAS Apply system. Awarding bodies can now pass ULNs to UCAS to support the Apply process. The ULN will allow UCAS to share verified qualification data for applicants avoiding data re-entry. We are encouraging HEIs to start to use the LRS to assign ULNs to students (that dont already have them) during academic year 2009/10. A ULN field has been established in both the HESA and UCAS datasets Data items are based on CDDs developed by HESA

It will facilitate access by learners to an electronic record of their achievements which will be securely accessed by learners and registered learning providers over the Internet. Qualifications and achievement data is recorded against individual ULNs. Currently, achievement data is obtained from the DCSF National Pupil Database (GCSEs and A levels) and the LSC ILR return. MIAPs intention is to collect achievement data directly from Awarding Bodies at the time of award, or shortly thereafter. The Personal Learning Record (PLR) Service Learners can opt out of sharing data held in their Personal Learning Record The Personal Learning Record will become an individuals lifelong record of qualifications and achievement in education A small scale pilot of the PLR has been completed From Autumn 2009, MIAP will roll out the PLR nationally (controlled release). In year one, the record will be accessible to providers and learners via the LRS portal in read only format. PLR web services have been introduced for providers

The Personal Learning Record (PLR)

Drivers for Adoption in HE Potential Benefits for Learners: Secure access to the PLR in their control Streamlining of on-line applications Potential Benefits for HEIs: Fewer Identifiers Easier reporting and data sharing between learning providers and Agencies Greater personalisation of services Easier collaboration across learning partnerships UCAS results processing with ULN providing verified qualifications on entry from PLR data Reduction in the need to validate qualifications and achievements Better access to data for student monitoring and to support decision making Potential Benefits for Agencies/Govt: Reduced burden of data sharing Better longitudinal analyses Trust and security Potential Benefits Potential Benefits for Employers: Access to verified qualifications data held in the PLR, controlled by the learner The HE Pilot will evaluate the Benefits in Case Studies

MIAP HE Pilots Programme The draft business case was presented to the HEAG earlier this year At a round table discussion in July between HESA, MIAP, HEFCE, QAA and JISC, chaired by Prof. Bob Burgess it was agreed that: o An HE pilot will be funded by JISC and HEFCE (c. £200,000) o JISC will lead this work with support from MIAP and UCAS o The UCAS Apply system is key to adoption of MIAPs services in HE o The focus must be UK-wide o Effective linkages across agencies will enable wider data sharing opportunities (e.g. SLC, UKBA) o The work should link with other initiatives and technology in the sector (e.g. HEDD, HEAR, XCRi, Flexible Service Delivery programme) The results will inform MIAPs strategy in HE The pilot will test proof of concept, investigate the value of embedding ULNs into HEIs operational services and explore the benefits of the PLR to the sector. It will also aim to test and enhance the MIAP service for the HE sector prior to implementation The pilot will test both the readiness of the MIAP service and of the HE sector

Objectives of the HE Pilots The Pilot will investigate the benefits and technical applications The HE Pilot Working Group will: Identify potential opportunities for MIAPs services to bring benefits to the sector. Establish how the HEIs will make use of the ULN and also any additional data UCAS can feed in from the PLR. Identify and explore solutions to technical issues. Clarify and identify additional opportunities the MIAP services can offer. Hold consultation events and develop case studies. Make recommendations for further work that needs to be undertaken to address any issues. Develop a road map for take-up of MIAPs services across the HE sector. JISC, CETIS, MIAP and UCAS will form an HE Pilot Working Group

HE Pilots Timing and Scope Timing of the UCAS and MIAP pilots will be agreed with stakeholder organisations Initial 6-month pilot with 9-12 HEIs working with JISC, UCAS and MIAP, commencing later this year. A period of wider consultation with the HE sector and strategic partners to gain support and inform development of a wider adoption plan. Pilot Working Group to report by the end of the first year (Autumn 2010). Case studies will underpin subsequent development of full business cases Scope Technical Pilots: Technical implementation pilots of the MIAP ULN and PLR services and link with a UCAS pilot of the MIAP services. Case studies: Pilot institutions will be used to explore and develop case studies to identify: o potential benefits to the sector o work flows and changes to processes required by institutions or shared services o potential opportunities to be gained by linking MIAP to additional services. Further opportunities: Workshops and seminars will consider other potential uses of the MIAP service by HEIs and the HE sector.

UCAS Trials A staged approach …… Small scale data trials with UCAS have been completed to test KS4 data held by MIAP against valid ULNs submitted to Apply by 2009 entry students Stage 1 - Jan-March 2010 Verify learner details against PLR, on sample from UCAS Apply for 2010 entry Verify ULN or obtain existing ULN where not supplied Obtain sample of verified applicant qualification data for 2010 entry Compare verified qualification data with data entered into Apply UCAS plans to develop a trial version of Apply for the pilot Stage 2 - March-May 2010 Develop test version of UCAS Apply, to be used by volunteer applicants for 2010 entry Incorporate a live link to the PLR system - verify applicant and obtain verified qualification data to populate test version of Apply Transfer ULN and verified demographic/qualification data to HEIs participating in the pilot Evaluate use of ULN and verified applicant data by participating HEIs Stage 3 - for 2012 year of entry (to be confirmed) Populate live Apply with learner qualification details from the PLR using web services Allow applicant to accept/reject verified data as part of application Transfer verified live data to HEIs participating in the pilot

Choice of Pilot Institutions Pilots will cover a range of user organisations and applications A timetable for identifying pilot HEIs and a strategy for engaging with them will be jointly developed and implemented by JISC, UCAS and MIAP. Manchester Met, UWE, Southampton Solent, Keele and the Open University have agreed in principle to participate in a MIAP pilot of the ULN and PLR with a view to developing case studies. Four HEIs - Leeds College of Music, de Montfort, London South Bank and University of Lincoln - are already accessing the LRS to obtain ULNs for identified cohorts of HE students. Russell Group and 1994 Group universities, including the Universities of Sheffield and Leicester, will be recruited to the planned UCAS pilot. Initially 2-3 HEIs will be targeted for the technical pilots, slowly building to over the next 12 months. Other possible pilot organisations include University of Manchester and University of Bolton. Ongoing marketing to appropriate groups in HE e.g. Student Records Officers. Funding of up to £10,000 will be available to participating HEIs

MIAPs Three-Year Timeline Release 3: ease of use changes to LRS (reviewing matches and updating) Create demand and grow the PLR service in a controlled way Release 3 and Rollout of Personal Learning Records MIAP / QCF Alignment – end of 2010 Enhance learning record to display and transfer credit and unit level data Explore sharing almost real time award data from Awarding Organisations Build rules of combination engine Skills Accounts – support trials to 2011 Access PLR for post-19 learners through Skills Accounts portal HE – support pilots and UCAS Apply for 2012 Complete the UCAS and HEI pilot work Integrate with UCAS Apply

Contact Information Telephone: Opening hours: 8.00hrs – 18.00hrs Website: Implementation Consultant (HE):
