Slide 1 Eurostat ESSnet Workshop – session 5 The ESS VIP "Data Warehouses" August Götzfried Head of Unit B5 November 2012
Slide 2 Scope and objectives Overall scope and objectives: Analysis, design and implementation of ESS data warehouses to support the business requirements of the ESS VIPs (in particular on transport and price statistics) and redesigned ESS business processes in general; The cross-cutting project covers ESS data warehouses for production and reference/dissemination; It follows the service-oriented architecture of the ESS VIPs which will lead to more business process integration in the ESS;
Slide 3 Relation with ESS VIP projects The cross-cutting ESS VIP "data warehouses" is closely related to the ESS VIP "Data warehouses in price and transport statistics". There will be a mutual impact between the cross- cutting project and the specific business cases in those two statistical domains. I.e.: the data warehouse work done in both statistical domains will provide an input to the general business case of the cross-cutting project "Data warehouses" and its implementation. The outcome of the ESS data warehouses project should also be usable also for those two domains.
Slide 4 Link with previous projects Input from previous projects: From the VIP "Enhanced Dissemination Chain" (dealing with improvements of the current Eurostat dissemination, also with some impact on Member states); In Transport statistics: experiences made with using data sources from other organisations and generation of modal split indicators; Input from ESSnets such as the ESSnet on data warehouses (see the subsequent presentation). The ESS VIP "Data warehouses" is a cross-cutting VIP using ESS technical, statistical and IT standards. This VIP is related to all specific VIPs (such as SIMSTAT, NAPS, etc.).
Slide 5 ESS VIP vs Cross cuttings Informati on models Network Data Warehou se Shared services Validatio n SIMSTAT EGR/EBR ICT PRIX / TRANS NAPS ADMIN Validatio n Contribute Contribute & Use use ESS VIPs versus ESS Cross cutting projects
Slide 6 European Statistics – Production Processes ST AT EC B NC B NS I EST AT Primary Collection Administrative Sources - Surveys – Official Sources – Private Sources Primary Collection Administrative Sources - Surveys – Official Sources – Private Sources European Statistics - Dissemination Users Other Partners OEC D IMF … Shared Services -Storage -Production -Disseminati on -Infrastructu re -… Shared Services -Storage -Production -Disseminati on -Infrastructu re -… ESS Secure Bus Common Standards & Models European Statistical System European System of Central Banks Other Statistical Actors The "To-be-state" of the ESS
Slide 7 What parts of the ESS "To-be-state" are concerned by the ESS VIP Data Warehouses? The following parts are concerned: European Statistics – dissemination European statistics – production processes Shared services Common ESS standards & models Primary data collection is not in the focus of this cross-cutting ESS VIP.
Slide 8 Current ESS data/metadata exchange processes
Slide 9 Model for the future ESS data/metadata exchange processes
Slide 10 Production data versus reference data Production dataReference data Accessible to publicNoYes Accessible within ESS authorities Yes Sharing at collection/production level YesYes (in the sense that the production of statistics needs to make use of reference data) Sharing at reference/ dissemination level NoYes Include confidential data YesNo
Slide 11 Expected benefits for Member states Improvement of the quality of European statistics through more integrated statistical business processes; Broader use of statistical and technical ESS standards in more integrated ESS data warehouses; More cross-domain statistical production and dissemination; Improvement of national/international data/metadata exchange processes; More integrated dissemination of European statistics; Over time: reduction of production and dissemination costs for European statistics.
Slide 12 Next steps As requested by the ESSC meeting in 11/2012, the business case for the ESS cross-cutting project "Data Warehouses" needs to be further elaborated. This needs to be done in taking into consideration the input from related ESSnets, the work done in transport and price statistics and in other related projects. This more elaborated business case will then be forwarded to the appropriate decision making body.