Future Trends In Special Education Ed Steinberg, Ph.D. Assistant Commissioner Colorado Department of Education February 4, 2012 Future Trends In Special Education
●SB 191: Educator Effectiveness o Special Education Implications ●Lobato vs. State of Colorado Lawsuit Future Trends in Special Education 2 Colorado Trends and Issues
Future Trends in Special Education 3 ●Compliance vs. Outcomes o Special Education Reinvented Eliminate IEPs/Adopt IGPs (Individual Growth Plans)? Funding Flexibility? National Trends and Issues
Future Trends in Special Education 4 ●‘Disruptive’ Education o Charters o Vouchers o Online/Virtual o Blended o Teletherapy/Telesupervision National Trends and Issues
Future Trends in Special Education 5
8 ●LRE and Inclusion o Full Inclusion o ‘Meaningful’ Inclusion o Co-Teaching National Trends and Issues
Future Trends in Special Education 9 Special Education in Colorado: A Snapshot State TotalTotal Students* Served on December 1st, 2010 Primary DisabilityFemale Percent of Total Male Percent of Total Total Served Percent of Total Significant Limited Intellectual Capacity1, %1, %2, % Emotional Disability1, %5, %6, % Specific Learning Disability11, %19, %31, % Hearing Disability % %1, % Visual Disability % % % Physical Disability2, %7, %9, % Autism %3, %3, % Traumatic Brain Injury % % % Speech or Language Impairment6, %12, %19, % Deaf-Blind % %270.03% Multiple Disabilities1, %1, %3, % Preschooler with a Disability1, %3, %4, % Infant/Toddler with a Disability % %370.04% State Total27, %56, %84, % * Students with Disabilities: Birth - 21