Benton-Stearns Education District 6383 Tony Hastings
The purpose of the Benton Stearns Education District is to provide educational opportunities for pupils by increasing cooperation and coordination among the member districts. The purpose is accomplished through the creation of an Education District Board, which applies, receives and administers funding on behalf of the member districts. High quality staff provides service with expertise in a multitude of skill areas. Improved learning for students is an ongoing goal and function of this Education District.
Benton Stearns Education District was reorganized as an Education District in October 1988 by an agreement between six member districts. From 1978 to 1988 the Education District was organized as a Joint Powers Special Education Cooperative.
Foley Holdingford Kimball Rocori Sartell/St. Stephen Sauk Rapids/Rice
Director of Special Education Assistant Director Coordinators (4) School Psychologist (9) Early Intervention Teachers (6) Early Childhood Speech Language Pathologist Autism Resource Specialist Physical Therapist (2) Occupational Therapist (4) Consulting Teacher for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (2) Audiologist Vision Consultant Individual Family Service Plan Facilitators (2) Business Manager Secretary (2) Network Administrator
Program Supervisor Classroom Teachers-EBD (5) Developmental Adapted Physical Education Teacher Intake/Transition Facilitator School Social Worker School Psychologist Program Support Assistant (6) Secretary (1.5)
What is your role in hiring personnel for an Ed. District school?
How are the staffing needs determined for the Benton-Stearns Education District?
How do you determine how to staff the Ed. Dist. for the following year?
What is your role in hiring staff for the Benton-Stearns Ed Dist?
What will be the effect of failed levies of the Ed. District schools?
Duane Borgeson Interview