The Scientific Method & The Engineering Design Process … and the Car Challenge
A Scientist… explores the natural world uses the scientific method to discover new knowledge about the universe and how it works
Scientific Method
Systematic process of solving a problem or answering a question
List all items that have been engineered.
List of Engineered Items Some examples are: – Playground, building, fence, bike, helmet, cell phone, cooler, soda can, soda, water bottles, apples, sunglasses, football, chair, sandals, watch Almost everything has been engineered.
An Engineer… applies knowledge (from science) to solve practical problems develops devices that serve practical purposes create structures, objects, things for purpose of mankind
Scientist vs. Engineer? Science is about discovering the natural. Engineering is creating the artificial. VS.
Scientist vs. Engineer? Scientists discover what already is. Engineers create that which isn't. VS.
Scientist vs. Engineer? Scientist tries to understand nature. Engineer tries to create what nature doesn't have by making use of what scientists have discovered. VS.
A Definition of Engineering… Solving design problems based upon a ( mathematical) model of materials or processes. design should meet the needed requirements for performance plus a safety margin.
Trade-Offs Design in the real world always involves trade- offs- cost vs performance, speed vs torque. You always have to compromise- there is no perfect solution.
Elegance An elegant design solution is the simplest design which performs as needed. Designs should always strive for elegance.
Failure Critical to the Process Failure- properly analyzed- is critical to engineering design Engineering design depends upon knowing the point at which a material or design fails and how it failed.
Engineering = more than bridges! Four Main Branches of Engineering Chemical Civil Electrical Mechanical
Chemical Engineers Chemical engineers discover and manufacture: – Plastics – Paints – Fuels – Fibers – Medicines – Fertilizers – Paper Chemical engineers help protect the environment by inventing cleaner technologies.
Civil Engineering Civil engineers oversee the construction of the buildings and other structures that make up our world: – Highways – Skyscrapers – Railways – Bridges – water reservoirs
Electrical Engineering This is the largest field of engineering. Electrical engineers develop components for – the most fun things in our lives MP3 players, digital cameras, or roller coasters – as well as the most essential medical tests or communications systems
Mechanical Engineering M.E.’s work in nearly every area of technology. If an object/system has a moving part, then benefited from influence an M.E. M.E. develops: – a bike lock – an aircraft carrier – a child’s toy – a hybrid car engine – a wheelchair – a sailboat
Systematic Process for Engineers? Scientists = Scientific Method Engineers = Engineering Design Process VS.
Engineering Design Process
Design & Engineering An engineer is concerned with both the process of designing and the product that result.
The Design Process The first ideas an engineer (or student) comes up with rarely leads to a final product. However, the first ideas are where the creative juices get flowin’!
Engineering Design Process
Design Process Stage 1: Identify the Problem or Challenge Stage 2: Brainstorm & Design Stage 3: Build Test & Evaluate Redesign (repeat many, many, many times!) Stage 4: Share solution
STAGE 1: Identify the Problem or Challenge Before building engineers ( and students) take time to define the problem they want to solve.
STAGE 2: Brainstorm & Design Coming up with as many possible solutions is powerful & effective in problem solving. Record ALL ideas on paper. Refer to them later during redesign phase. Draw a prototype. QUESTION: NAME 2 things you might do individually and/or with your group while brainstorming (BEFORE you start to build a prototype)?
Brainstorm & Design: Things to Think about Which brainstorm ideas are really possible, given your time and materials? What are some problems you need to solve as you build your project? How can a sketch help clarify your design? What habits support this step?
STAGE 3: Build, Test/Evaluate, & Redesign Go to work & BUILD! At the heart of the design process is the attitude that, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!” How does the conference of scientists/engineers help to support this stage?
STAGE 4: Share Solutions Presenting one’s work to others is a way to conclude a project. A time to present, discuss and reflect on how effectively the group communicated and collaborated. Things to think about: – What’s the best feature of your design? Why? – What was the hardest problem to solve? – Did you have to do something a few times to get it to work? What? – If you had more time, how would you improve your project?
Why Study Engineering? To be active creators of knowledge, including technology, not passive consumers. To learn how to understand complex systems. To cope successfully with failure, by seeing it, not as personal rejection, but rather an opportunity for improvement.
The Car Challenge: Part I
Stage 1: Challenge You are to design a cart that can roll down a ramp and travel a short distance across the floor. Stage 2: Brainstorm & Design First, you will need to collect your materials.