HE in FE – a strategic approach - Sue Betts Director
Background – why HE in FE seminar HEFCE emphasis on a more strategic approach to HE in FE is to be welcomed Period of nil growth is not helpful – in times of expansion planning is much easier Progression integral to the work of Linking London Support for your strategies Issues in London – unique – half of HE provision in the capital
Our seminar – the context of HE in FE London requires graduates with level 4 qualifications We are tumbling down the graduation rate tables – stalling at 39% Andreas Schleichers OECD annual report highlights some 30% of HE starters failing to complete We have now been overtaken by Slovakia, Ireland and Portugal in the number of school leavers we send to university
HEFCEs strategic overview HE in FE In London approx % of HE is in FE Majority of Fd development has been in FE Largely vocational – internal progression Some concerns over quality, duplication, strategic intent Synergy with IQER, strategic assessments, fair access, and bringing closer alignment of requirements on FE and HE
HEFCEs strategic overview HE in FE Pilot highlighted some of the benefits to organisations Issues of placement in an organisation and relationship to core business (resources, plans, risk) For 3 years 09 – 12, Corporation sign off, deadline January 2010 – follow up required Not a static piece of work – a work plan Ideally not over burdensome in terms of evidence Requires a view on how the future will impact on plans
HE Strategy should cover A high level statement explaining strategy A rationale for the strategy An elaboration about specific, realistic objectives An assessment of high-level risk Annex B provides a list of indicative content Supporting information – LLNs and EE projects
Linking London - how can we help? You are all members of LL partnership and we have evidence templates for some of you to support your strategies You may have signed an MOU We have mapped the curriculum in FE and HE We have produced an Fd Directory for London – now Fds are on the website -
Linking London - how can we help? We have brokered partnerships, supported partners with ASNs and development funds to fill gaps in provision – case studies We have brokered the engagement of partners with stakeholders – SSCs, the LSEB, fdf, unionlearn, UCAS, LSC etc We have publicised work through our publications and the website
Linking London - how can we help now and in the future? We can help develop HE strategies We can help review HE strategies We can continue to publicise good practice in this area We can publicise good practice in partnership working with our HEIs We can engage with HEFCE on your behalf
Linking London how can we help in the future? Over the next two years we could help to establish a firm foundation for future HE in FE strategy work in London A range of issues could be addressed collectively We could set up an HE in FE practitioner group to take this work forward – reporting to the Steering Group and/or the Board of Linking London. THANK YOU
Notes and questions