Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Applying Integration Profiles: Marketing and Product Development Glen Marshall Co-Chair, IHE IT Infrastructure Planning Committee
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 2 Applying Integration Profiles: Marketing and Product Development We’re all in this together … Patient healthcare data requirements are increasing at an accelerating rate Sharing data among healthcare providers is essential Most IT-enabled healthcare solutions must integrate with others Within individual provider enterprises Among collaborating providers Integration is based on standards. Integration is generally incremental.
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 3 Applying Integration Profiles: Marketing Marketing Cycle: Define Mission Determine Position Relative to Mission (SWOT) Establish Objectives Perform Research Define Strategies Implement Strategies Monitor successes modify Start new cycle
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 4 Applying Integration Profiles: Marketing Marketing Cycle: Define Mission Determine Position Relative to Mission (SWOT) Establish Objectives Perform Research Define Strategies Implement Strategies Monitor successes modify IHE Helps Here
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 5 Applying Integration Profiles: Marketing Market Research and Objectives Modification: Participate in IHE Domain Planning Committees IHE Domain Planning Committees are a source of shared market knowledge. Use the IHE multi-year roadmaps Roadmaps represent participants’ consensus viewpoint. Reference integration profiles Profiles define consensus solutions and set market expectations.
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 6 Applying Integration Profiles: Marketing Strategy Definition Participate in IHE Domain Planning Committees Explore and prioritize in-common industry issues. Use the IHE multi-year roadmaps Consensus viewpoint is a launching-pad for differentiation. Reference integration profiles Strategies need to meet on market expectations. Reference vendor integration statements Identify desired/likely partners.
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 7 Applying Integration Profiles: Marketing Strategy Implementation Participate in IHE Domain Technical Committees You can make things happen or watch them happen. Influence the IHE multi-year roadmaps Consensus changes according to the participants. Participate in Connectathons Work directly with other vendors prior to product delivery. Publish your own IHE integration statements Show proof of your integration commitments and results. Publish IHE success stories with customers Show measurable proof of outcomes.
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 8 Applying Integration Profiles: Marketing Questions? Comments?
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 9 Applying Integration Profiles: Product Development Product Development Steps… Requirements Definition Solution Definition Solution Build Solution Test Solution Delivery Solution Maintenance IHE can help every step
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 10 Applying Integration Profiles: Product Development Requirements Definition IHE provides pre-accomplished work, shortening your requirements definition phase Precisely defined use cases Source of requirements scoping information Expose co-requisites
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 11 Applying Integration Profiles: Product Development Solution Definition Precisely defined actors Precisely defined transactions Data content Data vocabulary Flows Mandatory and optional elements help ensure complete solution definitions Pairings with other actors and transactions
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 12 Applying Integration Profiles: Product Development Solution Build Detailed definitions, with explanations, lead quickly to pseudocode. Precise definitions limit the need to code normal cases, handle exceptions, etc. Transactions lead to solution templates for data integration interactions. Reference profiles to generate alpha test cases.
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 13 Applying Integration Profiles: Product Development Solution Test Detailed definitions lead quickly to well-defined test cases: Sample transaction data: valid, invalid, marginal Test driver engines for integration-partner simulation Participation in Connectathon leads to more complete testing. Re-use Mesa Tools as part of solution test suite
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 14 Applying Integration Profiles: Product Development Solution Delivery Part of any delivery is a product validation test. Use test suites developed for IHE conformance Partnering with other IHE-conformant products Use test scenarios derived from IHE connect-a-thon. Partnering with non-IHE products Profiles provide a basis for developing validation tests.
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 15 Applying Integration Profiles: Product Development Solution Maintenance Even after delivery, things change IHE conformance provides a basis to gauge changes Healthcare providers can use existing IHE conformance as a basis for RFPs. Pre-existing conformance leads to downstream enforcement. IHE-conformant capabilities can be added, when developed. Capture incremental benefits of IHE, even after product delivery.
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 16 Applying Integration Profiles: Product Development Questions? Comments?
Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 17 More information…. IHE Web sites: Technical Frameworks: ITI V1.0, RAD V5.5, LAB V1.0 Technical Framework Supplements - Trial Implementation May 2004: Radiology August 2004: Cardiology, IT Infrastructure Non-Technical Brochures : Calls for Participation IHE Fact Sheet and FAQ IHE Integration Profiles: Guidelines for Buyers IHE Connect-a-thon Results Vendor Products Integration Statements