17 centres of expertise together one, united in diversity.


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Presentation transcript:

17 centres of expertise together one, united in diversity

17 centres of expertise »Each of which is the central meeting point and centre of expertise in its own sector »Established by organised business and industrial sectors »Managed by employer and employee organisations (social partners) and representatives of the educational institutions Aim: to bring together education and the Labour Market

Facts & Figures »500,000 secondary vocational education students, starting at the age of 16 »190,000 companies for practice placements »200,000 trainers on the job »900 consultants to visit companies for practice placements »3.5% of the national vocational and adult education budget

Ambitions cooperating centres of expertise »Strengthen mutual cooperative ability »Act and react on the needs of the Labour Market to initiate corresponding services, especially within the region »Centres of expertise will develop into a point of support for business at (inter)national level, within the region and within the companies for practice placements.

Position centres of expertise Macro level (national/sectoral): »To provide Labour market information: qualitative and quantitative »To maintain the qualification structure: educational system, standardisation of competence descriptors Meso level (regional/local): »To take on sectoral and intersectoral bottlenecks on the labour market Micro level (within the business): »To advise companies on HRM (Accreditation of Prior Learning) »To support companies for practice placements and trainers on the job »Sufficient accredited work placements

Additional value in bridging the Labour Market and vocational education Knowledge of the sectors/ branches »(Local) Information on sectors and jobs with new perspectives towards the Labour Market Knowledge of sectoral/regional education and training »To compose labour market arrangements in cooperation with educational institutions »Knowledge of sectoral/ national funds (public and private funds) From HR information to labour market information (network) »To create job openings (in case of vacancies, work placements and aging population) »One step up (education, chances for lower educated people)

The mission »Create local and regional network »Discuss local and regional labour market policy »Advise local vocational education about intake »Organize labour market mobility

The network »Local and provincial authorities »Trade unions »Employer en employee representatives »Unemployment office »Vocational education institutes

Local labour market policy »Major industries »Demographic information »Economical development »Labour market development »Frictions and opportunities »Actions needed

Thank you for your attention