P&E Activities In solid waste facility permits month landfill inspections/year >40 site inspections monthly as EA Training > 1100 enrollees, 42 CEUs 18 LEA evaluations Cleaning up > 80 sites 5 regulatory packages
(continued) Financial assurance mechanisms –annual monitoring plus disbursements Landfill Closure Loan Program – 2 loans Emergency Response Management Action Committee Health & Safety Training for Board and Cal/EPA
Enforcement/Training Action Plan Twofold intent –Enhance Board and LEA abilities to take effective enforcement –Prevent problems by increasing joint training of LEAs and operators
Training Annual allocation of $96K to train LEAs Typically have 4-8 classes per year 2000: 4-year agreement with SWANA for landfill training to operators and LEAs Goal in plan: Board direction on whether and how to enhance training
Training December 2005 agenda item Board allocated $150K to enhance training –offer more classes in more venues –Include operators in classes In process of encumbering funds Initial deliverables: –Materials in Spanish –New classes in late 2006
Enforcement Goal in plan: Identify and remove barriers to more effective enforcement Past activities –LEA/CIWMB partnership working group –Legislative concepts
Enforcement Major Issues –Limited ability to impose civil penalties –No ability to impose criminal penalties –Limited ability to address illegal disposal –Appeal process can deter enforcement Agenda Item G today
Cal/EPA Enforcement Initiative November 2004 – Initiative Announced Involves all Boards, Departments, Offices 10 working groups –Model enforcement programs –Cross-agency training –Enforcement task forces –Complaint tracking system –Prosecutorial referrals –Cross-agency database
Other Activities In Plan Normal assistance to LEAs and tracking of LEA enforcement actions Cal/EPA Enforcement Symposium and Inspector Academy Developing web-based “enforcement toolbox”
Technology Assessment Plan Designed to address future infrastructure needs, link Board with hydrogen highway, provide better protection of health & safety Also to support Board’s leadership role on Climate Action Team “Matrix management” approach, using resources from across Board
Areas of Emphasis Evaluate conversion technology emissions Emerging Technologies Forum April Evaluate anaerobic digestion Landfill gas to energy and H2, links to climate change Landfill gas monitoring efficacy Bioreactor landfills
Progress to Date ET Forum scheduled April Contract with Santa Barbara APCD for emissions testing of post-MRF feedstock UC Davis contract on LFG to Hydrogen –1 st workshop January 18 LFG Monitoring viability – Board approved scope, RFP to be issued shortly
Progress (continued) Assisting Climate Action Team –Potential contract with CEC on refining emissions models Updated LFG to Energy inventory Adopted Subtitle D “RD&D” regulations, which would allow bioreactor landfills
Other Activities of Team Participation on interagency task forces –Bioenergy working group –Biomass collaborative Coordination with other agency requests –CPCFA re: permitting status –CEC re: RPS eligibility
Future Activities Depending on ET Forum in April, Climate Action Team needs, LFG to H2 work, etc., will return with suggestions for future work: –Broader evaluation of anaerobic digestion? –Research on LFG to LNG or CNG? –Research on solid waste to ethanol? –Economic analyses of selected technologies?