Draft resolution LifeLong Guidance Action Plan Proposition of the French Presidency National LifeLong guidance policy forums PLE Thessaloniki 5-6- 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Draft resolution LifeLong Guidance Action Plan Proposition of the French Presidency National LifeLong guidance policy forums PLE Thessaloniki – Françoise Divisia – Ministry of Education – Ministry of Higher Education and Research - France

Why a new resolution ? The previous context… The major objectives of LLG policies for all the EU citizens are set out in the 2004 Resolution A lot of work has been done at European level…..and significant advances at national level But the findings of the CEDEFOP report (2006) demonstrate that much progress needs to be achieved to engage guidance in « the paradigm shift » and to meet the demands of a new context

The new context … The enlargement of the EU increasing potential mobility, The increasing globalisation and its consequences in terms of « a risk society » The demographic changes and the longer duration of working life.The increasing transitions throughout the life The high level of unemployment and at the same time the shortages of competences in many sectors Finally the decision to set up a ELGPN increasing the possibilities of mutual learning and the focus of the EUFP on Guidance

The main principles The principles and the definition of guidance contained in the 2004 resolution are affirmed LLG lies at the heart of LLL and is a key factor for the achievement of the 3 priorities of the Lisbon Strategy : competiveness, social cohesion and employment The raising of qualification levels is a political priority The aim is to move to an active, lifelong approach included in a flexisecurity policy Guidance is a service of general interest of which effects are beneficial to individuals, to enterprises and to society as a whole.

The four axes of a national level strategy /action plan for guidance 1.Provide, throughout the life, the acquisition and maintenance of career management skills 2. Improve access for all citizens to Lifelong Guidance services 3. Develop quality assurance 4. Ensure coordination at national, regional, local level across the lifespan(Lifelong and lifewide guidance)

AXE 1 :Provide, throughout the life, the acquisition and maintenance of career management skills Skills in 4 areas : 1- self-knowledge and or self awareness : how to evaluate oneself, to identify strong points and weaknesses, one’s interests 2- the discovery of the economic environment 3- the knowledge of training systems and pathways 4- the skills to manage transitions and meaningful decisions This is linked to the capacity to research and process useful information. LLG career management skills could be a key competence in curricula (cf.Recommendation) and integrated in to training courses for adults, including in the workplace

AXE 2 : Access to services Clarity and relevance of the offer - involve the users and actors in the design of the services, and evaluate the needs of citizens -vary services in intensity according to the needs : specific assistance for young school leavers, women going back to work, jobseekers, older workers… -undertake transparent mapping of the existing services -

Access to services Visibility of services -Reduce the distance between users, particularly those furthest away from counselling and guidance practitioners through the mobilisation of parents, peers, teachers …to reach out to them. -Promote this service to the citizens through ICT media, including systematic marketing -The service should include assistance in the correct use of information -Assure career guidance services for young people or experienced workers within enterprises and for jobseekers in partnership with the social partners

AXE 3 - QUALITY assurance Improve the quality of the information -Develop occupational forecasts of future jobs and skills -Make hard-to-fill jobs more attractive (responsability of companies and role of social partners) -The information should be independent from the training providers and validated by the relevant authorities -It should be individualised and provide the key information required for making a choice

Quality assurance Improve the professionalism of LLG providers : building a shared culture -Establish a common framework of practices and activities between the practitioners from all the institutions -Propose an « occupational »/skills reference system for LLG professionals which should be founded on : -1. Specific competences -2. Competences for the analysis of work systems and employment issues -3. « Ethic competence » It would allow to design a skills framework for all LLG staff, and a common initial and in-service staff training plans with regular updating.

Quality assurance Evaluate effectiveness and measure efficiency Set up a mechanism for the collection of reliable data on guidance This requires : -clear specifications with objectives and indicators quantitative and qualitative through sytematic use of surveys -Measurement of the quality -Standards of service (focused on the results achieved by the user) -Evaluation of the costs of guidance.

Coordination of the various actors Guidance should be a shared competence area between the State, the social partners,local authorities. Strong coordination is needed with a long term appoach, through an action plan or strategy for guidance provision, a national/ regional schema according to the regulations and specificities of the country. It requires clear sharing of roles and responsabilities of the stakeholders and take the shape of services into platforms or single operators.

Role of the network : propositions The monitoring of the EU action plan The monitoring of the national, regional action plans/programmes Evaluation Studies on indicators, survey results, career paths Establishing partnership with EU social partners Organise with the MS regular follow-up conferences (biannual ? Linked to the EU presidence ?)

Thank you for your attention We are open to your remarks and suggestions