Supporting recording and archiving of research student supervisory meetings with PebblePad Peter Norrington e-PDP Development Officer
outline drivers form design processes issues and moving on
drivers Research Strategy –research students150 (now) 500 (2014) Context –supervising staff95 (450) ? –institutes(0 6) 8 –supporting students’ research process and achievement UK Borders Agency –indication of engagement new process efficient, effective, satisfying – and consistent
form design “v2” Previous Action Plan Supervisory Meeting Record Progress PDP Recording New Action Plan Student's Name Director of Studies' Name Other Supervisors Attending Date Previous Action Plan Paste Action Plan from agreed last meeting record in this box with no changes. Add evidence Comments on Action Plan as Outlined Above & Any Other Work Undertaken You may attach supporting documents here. Action Plan (to be achieved before next meeting) Comments on progress on Research Training Modules & PDP Add evidence Date of Next Meeting Confirmation I, the supervisor, confirm that the above is a true record of the meeting and that I believe I have offered the student sufficient advice at this stage of their programme and that their progress is satisfactory. Signature of supervisor Confirmation Student I, the student, confirm that the above is a true record of the meeting and that I am happy with the standard of supervision provided and with my progress to date. Signature of student Note If you, as student or supervisor, have significant concerns about progress that cannot be resolved in the supervisory meeting you should raise this / these with your relevant research institute director at the earliest opportunity. If the supervisor is the research institute director, please contact the Research Graduate School Office at Hours / Minutes How much time did you spend on this activity or thinking about and recording it [0] [00] This activity is worth [0] points
processes (Print) (Print) Previous Action Plan Progress PDP Recording New Action Plan Supervisory Meeting Record Student Support (e-learning) Supervisor(s) Research Graduate School DesignEnrolmentTrainingSupport++ Template Create / Modify a Create 1 Store 5 Archive b Review 4 Share 3 Edit 2
issues (who) and moving on design –form unfinished (support, RGS) with feedback (all) –technical set-up – is it “right”? (e.g. trust) enrolment –manual (support) self-service (student, staff) (LDAP) July training and guidance (support, students, supervisors, RGS) –not yet culturally embedded (generally or locally) –timing –sustainability –not just a form ! + action planning + relationships support –archiving (support, RGS) –engagement (all) integrated into new JISC project ! Did it seem easier in Word ? But it could never meet the drivers. So, it will be better when it works !
Aardvark Academic Accountability in Research: Data Validation and Repositories of Knowledge px?oid=133539&type=webfolio