Plan de Acción del IIN/OEA ACTION PLAN Cartagena de Indias, July, 2007 MARÍA DE LOS DOLORES AGUILAR MARMOLEJO Director General of the IIN
Introduction IIN/OAS Action Plan This Action Plan : Recognizes the IIN expertise and historic legacy generated in its 80-year institutional performance. Takes into consideration the mandates approved by the IIN Directing Council, the XIX Pan American Child Congress, the OAS Resolutions, and the Strategic Plan prepared and adopted by the IIN Directing Council. The Plan has the following characteristics: It provides for the continuity of existing commitments. It prioritizes those commitments responding to the present reality and circumstances. It promotes a participatory and shared management through a coordinated dialogue It strengthens strategic alliances with various agencies, international and regional organizations, government agents, the academic sector, etc. It introduces the Systemic Intervention Approach.
Guiding Principles A Right-based Approach in conformity with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. A Family and Community-oriented Approach based on the directives of the XIX Pan American Child Congress. A Governance-based Approach pursuant to the OAS Inter-American Democratic Charter. IIN/OAS Action Plan
Vision To become a specialized forum of excellence, a coordinator within the Inter-American System of the search for government consensus and commitment, and a technical referent on child issues at regional level, thus contributing to the promotion and protection of children’s rights and the improvement of their living conditions through a family and community-based approach. To become a specialized forum of excellence, a coordinator within the Inter-American System of the search for government consensus and commitment, and a technical referent on child issues at regional level, thus contributing to the promotion and protection of children’s rights and the improvement of their living conditions through a family and community-based approach. IIN/OAS Action Plan
Mission Contributing to governance strengthening in the OAS Member States with the cooperation of organized civil society, by means of actions favouring public policy design and a culture of respect for children’s rights, leading to the integral development and welfare of children and their families. Contributing to governance strengthening in the OAS Member States with the cooperation of organized civil society, by means of actions favouring public policy design and a culture of respect for children’s rights, leading to the integral development and welfare of children and their families. IIN/OAS Action Plan
Vision, Mission, Strategic Objectives IIN/OAS Action Plan INTERVENTION LOGFRAME To ensure the respect for and promotion of Children's Rights, thus allowing for strengthening the democratic governance of the Member States of the Inter-American System.
Intervention Areas Promotion and Protection of Rights Communication and Information Legal Ongoing Training Technical Cooperation Strategic Alliances Information and Dissemination Research Cross-sectional Guidelines Guiding and advising the OAS Member States in their processes of adapting national legislations to child- related principles in international regulatory frameworks, and to their effectiveness and enforceability. To guide, advice, train, and accompany the OAS Member State for the adequate definition and application of public policies and the transformation of institutions related to children's rights. Creative and professional management of IIN global communication in its capacity as advocate of the respect for children’s rights IIN/OAS Action Plan
To promote both the adaptation of national legislations to the principles in the regulatory framework on children's rights, their effectiveness and enforceability, and their subsequent implementation. To create a cooperation network for the implementation, application, and enforcement of the international regulatory framework concerning child abduction and return. To strengthen juvenile criminal judicial systems as far as compliance with due process guarantees, inter- institutional coordination, and preventive policies are concerned. To promote both the adaptation of national legislations to the principles in the regulatory framework on children's rights, their effectiveness and enforceability, and their subsequent implementation. To create a cooperation network for the implementation, application, and enforcement of the international regulatory framework concerning child abduction and return. To strengthen juvenile criminal judicial systems as far as compliance with due process guarantees, inter- institutional coordination, and preventive policies are concerned. LEGAL AREA Expected Results IIN/OAS Action Plan
To promote the right to a name and a nationality To promote among children their right to participate and to be raised as citizens. To provide advice and training on the application of updated technical management instruments related to the promotion and protection of children’s rights. To promote the right to a name and a nationality To promote among children their right to participate and to be raised as citizens. To provide advice and training on the application of updated technical management instruments related to the promotion and protection of children’s rights. AREA FOR PROMOTION AND PROTECTION Expected Results IIN/OAS Action Plan
To contribute to the IIN institutional strengthening. To sensitize and train on information management from the perspective of children’s rights. To update and innovate in the information area in order to promote the respect for children’s rights. To promote a non-violence culture in the media, as well as in children. To contribute to the IIN institutional strengthening. To sensitize and train on information management from the perspective of children’s rights. To update and innovate in the information area in order to promote the respect for children’s rights. To promote a non-violence culture in the media, as well as in children. COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION AREA Expected Results IIN/OAS Action Plan
Analysis of compared law and case law allowing for identifying best practices, regulatory gaps, effectiveness, and enforceability (Juridical Database, BADAJ). Observatory on commercial sexual exploitation and other forms of violence affecting children. Monitoring of best practices, conflicts, and trends in justice administration concerning children’s rights. Creation of a network of judges, public defenders, and prosecutors, and their training on the need for considering the best interest of the child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Analysis of compared law and case law allowing for identifying best practices, regulatory gaps, effectiveness, and enforceability (Juridical Database, BADAJ). Observatory on commercial sexual exploitation and other forms of violence affecting children. Monitoring of best practices, conflicts, and trends in justice administration concerning children’s rights. Creation of a network of judges, public defenders, and prosecutors, and their training on the need for considering the best interest of the child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. LEGAL AREA Expected Products To promote both the adaptation of national legislations to the principles in the regulatory framework on children's rights, their effectiveness and enforceability, and their subsequent implementation. Result IIN/OAS Action Plan
Establishment and strengthening of cooperation mechanisms for the international return of children abducted by one of their parents. Establishment and strengthening of information mechanisms to avoid and remedy the international abduction of children by one of their parents. Establishment and strengthening of cooperation mechanisms for the international return of children abducted by one of their parents. Establishment and strengthening of information mechanisms to avoid and remedy the international abduction of children by one of their parents. LEGAL AREA Expected Products To create a cooperation network for the implementation, application, and enforcement of the international regulatory framework on child abduction and return. Result IIN/OAS Action Plan
Promotion of a set of restorative justice resources especially designed to deal with adolescents against whom there is evidence of law infringement. Technical assistance for the development of alternative or open care programs with the participation of civil society. Strengthening of statistical systems allowing for the development of prevention policies. Production of statistics and generation of commitments in the media allowing for visualizing the multiple dimension of offences attributed to youth. Promotion of a set of restorative justice resources especially designed to deal with adolescents against whom there is evidence of law infringement. Technical assistance for the development of alternative or open care programs with the participation of civil society. Strengthening of statistical systems allowing for the development of prevention policies. Production of statistics and generation of commitments in the media allowing for visualizing the multiple dimension of offences attributed to youth. LEGAL AREA Expected Products To strengthen juvenile criminal justice systems as far as due process guarantees and inter-institutional are concerned. Result IIN/OAS Action Plan
Diagnose of child situation concerning the right to participate, especially in the educational area. Systematization and participatory analysis of related information, based on country actual situation. Advice and training, and provision of adequate instruments for intervention on children’s right to participate. Identification of organized child groups and their participation in the promotion and monitoring of their rights through virtual and interactive means. Diagnose of child situation concerning the right to participate, especially in the educational area. Systematization and participatory analysis of related information, based on country actual situation. Advice and training, and provision of adequate instruments for intervention on children’s right to participate. Identification of organized child groups and their participation in the promotion and monitoring of their rights through virtual and interactive means. Expected Products To promote the right of children to participate and be raised as citizens. Result AREA FOR PROMOTION AND PROTECTION IIN/OAS Action Plan
Advice to Governing Entities on the design of strategic policies related to the National System for Child Integral Care (SNAINA). To strengthen the states through an adequate structure of social networks, and integral care methodologies and protocols. Advice to the states on the periodic monitoring of the enforcement of the Convention. Enhancement of the access to and exchange of information and mutual cooperation among states through virtual and interactive means. Advice to Governing Entities on the design of strategic policies related to the National System for Child Integral Care (SNAINA). To strengthen the states through an adequate structure of social networks, and integral care methodologies and protocols. Advice to the states on the periodic monitoring of the enforcement of the Convention. Enhancement of the access to and exchange of information and mutual cooperation among states through virtual and interactive means. Expected Products To provide advice and training on the application of updated technical management instruments within the framework of the promotion and protection of children’s rights. Result AREA FOR PROMOTION AND PROTECTION IIN/OAS Action Plan
A forum for the interactive exchange of expertise with the Delegates to the IIN Directing Council. Guidance on strategic issues for decision- making at the highest level. Dissemination of publications and experience on issues of interest A forum for the interactive exchange of expertise with the Delegates to the IIN Directing Council. Guidance on strategic issues for decision- making at the highest level. Dissemination of publications and experience on issues of interest Expected Products To contribute to the IIN institutional strengthening. Result COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION AREA IIN/OAS Action Plan
Training and adequate instruments on children’s rights. Training and adequate and specialized instruments for communication experts related to the treatment of non-violence addressed to children. Promotion of courses on information and children’s rights at University Institutes specialized on Communication. Training and adequate instruments on children’s rights. Training and adequate and specialized instruments for communication experts related to the treatment of non-violence addressed to children. Promotion of courses on information and children’s rights at University Institutes specialized on Communication. Expected Products Sensitizing and training on information management from the perspective of children’s rights. Result COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION AREA IIN/OAS Action Plan
Innovation and extension of the IIN Website. Extension and promotion of the Database of documents, organizations, and projects (OPD). Extension and dissemination of the Legal Database (BADAJ). Innovation and dissemination of the Inter- American Information and Cooperation Network on International Child Abduction (specialized Web page). Updating of the IT support for the Monitoring System of Right Enforcement. Development, promotion, and dissemination of audiovisual material on children’s rights. Innovation and extension of the IIN Website. Extension and promotion of the Database of documents, organizations, and projects (OPD). Extension and dissemination of the Legal Database (BADAJ). Innovation and dissemination of the Inter- American Information and Cooperation Network on International Child Abduction (specialized Web page). Updating of the IT support for the Monitoring System of Right Enforcement. Development, promotion, and dissemination of audiovisual material on children’s rights. Expected Products Updating and innovating in the information area in order to promote the respect for children’s rights. Result COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION AREA IIN/OAS Action Plan
Research on existing regulatory frameworks related to the media and to the protection of Children’s Rights. Educational modules for the promotion of a critical and constructive awareness vis-à-vis the media. To promote the creation of space for children’s participation in such communication means as the Internet. To create an experimental tool for measuring violence addressed in TV shows addressed to children. Research on existing regulatory frameworks related to the media and to the protection of Children’s Rights. Educational modules for the promotion of a critical and constructive awareness vis-à-vis the media. To promote the creation of space for children’s participation in such communication means as the Internet. To create an experimental tool for measuring violence addressed in TV shows addressed to children. Expected Products To promote, in both the media and the children, a culture of non-violence. Result COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION AREA IIN/OAS Action Plan
Participatory Management Creation of specific Committees working in an interconnected manner with intervention areas and cross-sectional action guidelines. Promotion of the ongoing participation of the Directing Council in the follow-up of existing commitments. Designation of a technical referent per country. Creation of specific Committees working in an interconnected manner with intervention areas and cross-sectional action guidelines. Promotion of the ongoing participation of the Directing Council in the follow-up of existing commitments. Designation of a technical referent per country. IIN/OAS Action Plan
Regional Technical Cooperation Information & Dissemination Legal Inter-American Democratic Charter Right-based Approach Guiding Principles Communication and Information Intervention Areas Action Plan Operational Outline Local Intervention Levels International Cross-sectional Action Guidelines Training and Research Strategic Alliances * Resource Management Promotion and Protection of Rights Family and Community-based Approach IIN/OAS Action Plan
Special Recognition to the Delegates to the Directing Council of the IIN, who daily assume in their respective countries the commitment to create, design, and manage child-related public policies. They play an irreplaceable leading role in the activities of the IIN.