1 REALISING INTEGRATION ENAR policy seminar on migration, integration, social inclusion and anti-discrimination EU NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICIES AND THE INCLUSION OF MIGRANTS Joachim Ott, European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre Brussels – 1 and 2 March 2007 Seminar organised in cooperation with the European Women’s Lobby, CCME (Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe), ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles), December 18, EAPN (European Anti Poverty Network), SOLIDAR, PICUM (Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants), MPG (Migration Policy Group), Caritas Europa and in media cooperation with Euractiv.
2 Starting Point "….appropriate action to combat discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation“ Article 13 of the EU Treaty
3 64% of Europeans feel that discrimination on grounds of ethnic origin is widespread and 51% think that not enough is done to fight discrimination Europeans believe that it is a disadvantage in society to be a Roma (77%), having another ethnic origin (62%) or another religion (39%) About half of Europeans think that it would be less likely to get a job or a promotion for people of different ethnic origin, even with equal qualifications 70% of Europeans are in favour of measures to promote equal opportunities Europeans are ready for change Eurobarometer 2007
4 Policy tools Legislatio n European Year High Level Group Financial tools Directive 2000/43/EC: transposition, implementation, application and enforcement Experts to analyze obstacles and good practice to achieve the full social and labour market inclusion of ethnic minorities Awareness raising for rights and obligations, celebration of diversity ESF and PROGRESS
5 Directive 2000/43/EC The Directive prohibits discrimination on grounds of ethnic origin with regard to: Access to the labour market Employment and working conditions Professional orientation, vocational and continuous training Membership in organizations Social security Health care Access to goods and services Housing
6 Good News ! Equality Bodies are set up in all Member States Nationality or citizenship is not a condition for protection against discrimination Positive measures are permitted in most Member States Several Member States go beyond the requirements of the Directive Political commitment of Commissioner Špidla
7 Need to enforce the Directive Yes! – but … Transposition now done in all Member States National laws do not exclude discrimination on grounds of ethnic origin People are not aware of their rights Transpostion is in many cases not correct Broad scope of Directive not fully transposed in national laws
8 European Year of Equal Opportunities for all Rights! Respect! Recognition! Representation! raising awareness of the rights to equality and non-discrimination and on the problem of multiple discrimination stimulating a debate on the participation of under- represented groups in society, achieve a balanced participation of men and women facilitating and celebrating diversity and equality promoting a more cohesive society
9 Our key messages People in the EU are entitled to enjoy a life free of discrimination People in the EU must have equal opportunities in economic and social life and in the labour market Diversity brings benefits and is an opportunity It is not enough not to discriminate - Diversity can only flourish, if everyone has equal opportunities A life free of discrimination is an issue of fairness, of social solidarity and of democracy
10 High Level Group High level Group of experts on the social and labour market inclusion of ethnic minorities Examine obstacles which prevent members of ethnic minorities to fully participate in society and the labour market Highlight good practice to overcome the exclusion of ethnic minorities
11 … to be achieved Report and recommendations by the end of 2007 Strong political signal that inclusion of ethnic minorities is a question of democracy and economic interest Need for practical recommendations Launch a process with the aim to mobilize all political and financial instruments