2013 NEO Program Monitoring & Evaluation Framework
Presentation Outline Purpose of M&E Results Framework and Indicators Overall M & E Plan Data collection and reporting system 2
Purpose of M&E Provide a framework for tracking progress of the program towards achieving its intended results; Provide a mechanism for stakeholders to promptly address implementation issues; Establish mechanism to ensure quality, reliability and accuracy of reported data; Define approach and framework for program review and evaluation Provide reliable and accurate data for evidence-based decision making and policy decisions. 3
Program Results Chain Immediate Outcome Intermediate Outcome Intermediate Outcome Ultimate Outcome Improved state of local governance in participating LGUs Client satisfaction on services delivered by the LGU Improved capacity of local officials to formulate a term-based plan
NEO 1: Transition report SLGR presentation Social Contract First 100 Days Agenda Leadership Development Agenda (to be discussed with the Leagues) ELA /CapDev Agenda NEO 1: Transition report SLGR presentation Social Contract First 100 Days Agenda Leadership Development Agenda (to be discussed with the Leagues) ELA /CapDev Agenda Outputs Program Results Chain NEO 2: Partnership Agreement Budget ordinance NEO 2: Partnership Agreement Budget ordinance NEO 3: Training programs for LGUs Re-entry Action Plan NEO 3: Training programs for LGUs Re-entry Action Plan NEO 4: LGU Awardees Service provider awardees NEO 4: LGU Awardees Service provider awardees
Activities/ Inputs Activities/ Inputs NEO 1. Reinventing Public Service: A Guide to Action Turnover 1.1 Organization of transition teams 1.2 Preparation and turn- over of documents 1.3 Presentation of SLGR Jumpstarting 1.4 Development of On-line Platform 1.5 Development of On-line Modules 1.6 Training of Administrators and Facilitators 1.7 Conduct of Webinar 1.8 Conduct of Executive Coaching Sessions 1.9 LGU coaching on ELA/Capdev Peer to peer learning 1.10 Strategic Management training 1.11 Dialogue with NGAs
Activities/ Inputs Activities/ Inputs NEO 2: Looking Forward to Better Governance 2.1 Coaching on Preparation of Budget Ordinance 2.2 Conduct of alliance building workshops (CapDev Expo) 2.3. Regional Orientation on the SEALS 2.4. Population of the CapDev Market NEO 3. Specialized Courses 3.1 Development of Online Capdev Market System 3.2 Conduct of training programs for newly elected and re- elected officials 3.3 Development of Capdev standards 3.4. Conduct of Benchmarking NEO 4. Performance Management 4.1 Development of awards system 4.2 Conduct of Audit 4.3Provision of Awards
Specifying Indicators A good performance indicator must be: Clear(Precise and unambiguous) Relevant(Appropriate and timely) Economic(Available at reasonable cost) Adequate(Must provide a sufficient basis to assess performance) Monitorable(Can be independently verified) The “CREAM” of Good Performance Salvatore-Schiavo-Campo 2000
NEO Program Indicators Presence of enabling instruments to implement the ELA Level of budget allocation for the implementation of the ELA Percentage of total LGUs with improved LGPMS-OPI Percentage of total LGUs receiving Seal awards from DILG Percentage of total LGUs achieving “Excellent” and “Good” rating in the ARTA survey
Number of LGUs with transition report Number of LGUs with SLGR Number of local officials with Social Contract Number of local officials with First 100 Days Agenda Number of LGUs with ELA/CapDev Number of LGUs with partnership agreements Number of LGUs that participated in the alliance building workshops Number of LGUs with budget ordinance Number of LGUs availed of the programs Number of LGUs with Re-entry Action Plan Number of LGUs with SEALS Number of service providers with awards
Number of administrators, moderators and facilitators trained Number of local officials enrolled in the webinar Number of local officials availing the modules Performance of the participants Effectiveness of moderators and facilitators Effectiveness of the modules Effectiveness of the online system Number of training programs designed and implemented that addressed the capacity development needs Effectiveness of training program Number of local officials trained Number of knowledge products developed Number of LGUs availing technical assistance from pool of service providers Number of systems developed Number of capdev standards developed Adequacy of funding support Effectiveness of resource persons Effectiveness of policies issued Number of policies formulated and disseminated
Overall M&E Plan
Monitoring Plan (Immediate Outcome & Outputs) Performance indicator Data source Method of data collection Frequency of data collection Responsibility Center CollectionAggregation Review/ Validation Analysis / Reporting Presence of enabling instruments to implement the ELA LGUData capture through NEO M&E forms QuarterlyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-LGA Level of budget allocation for the implementation of the ELA LGUData capture through NEO M&E forms QuarterlyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-LGA
Monitoring Plan (Immediate Outcome & Outputs) Performance indicator Data source Method of data collection Frequency of data collection Responsibility Center CollectionAggregation Review/ Validation Analysis / Reporting Number of LGUs with transition report DILG-FOData capture through NEO M&E forms QuarterlyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-BLGS Number of local officials with Social Contract DILG-FOData capture through NEO M&E forms QuarterlyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-LGA Number of local officials with First 100 Days Agenda DILG-FOData capture through NEO M&E forms QuarterlyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-LGA Number of LGUs with Leadership Development plan TO BE DONE BY THE LEAGUES
Monitoring Plan (Immediate Outcome & Outputs) Performance indicator Data source Method of data collection Frequency of data collection Responsibility Center CollectionAggregation Review/ Validation Analysis / Reporting Number of LGUs with ELA/CapDev DILG-FOData capture through NEO M&E forms QuarterlyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-LGA Number of LGUs with partnership agreements DILG-FOData capture through NEO M&E forms QuarterlyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-LGA Number of LGUs that participated in the collaboration workshops DILG-FOData capture through NEO M&E forms QuarterlyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-LGA
Monitoring Plan (Immediate Outcome & Outputs) Performance indicator Data source Method of data collection Frequency of data collection Responsibility Center CollectionAggregation Review/ Validation Analysis / Reporting Number of LGUs with budget ordinance DILG-FOData capture through NEO M&E forms QuarterlyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-LGA Number of LGUs availed of the programs DILG-FOData capture through NEO M&E forms QuarterlyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-LGA Number of LGUs with Re-entry Action Plan DILG-FOData capture through NEO M&E forms QuarterlyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-LGA Number of LGUs with SEALS DILG-FOData capture through NEO M&E forms AnnuallyDILG-FOsDILG-ROs DILG-LGA Number of service providers with awards LGAData capture through NEO M&E forms Annually
Data capture at the LGU level Data aggregation by DILG regional offices Data aggregation at national level by LGA Data review & validation (annual) Data analysis and reporting by LGA Data Collection and Reporting Regional Quarterly Progress Report National Quarterly Progress Report LGU Quarterly Progress Report Program Status Report (Semi-annual)
Role of Cluster/Provincial Offices Ensure completeness and accuracy of data collected at the LGU level; Consolidate LGU quarterly progress reports into Cluster/Provincial quarterly reports; Ensure timely submission of Provincial Quarterly Reports to the Regional Office; Participate in M&E-related activities such as capacity building, periodic program reviews Share M&E findings with LGUs and other program stakeholders. 18
Role of Regional Offices Coordinate M&E activities at the regional level; Consolidate LGU/cluster/provincial quarterly reports into Regional quarterly reports; Ensure timely submission of Regional Quarterly Reports to the LGA; Participate in M&E-related activities such as capacity building, periodic program reviews Share M&E findings with the regional program stakeholders. 19
Reporting & Use of M&E Findings Type of ReportSourceUse/PurposeFrequency LGU Quarterly Progress Report LGUProgress update on outputs & outcome/impact Quarterly Province/Regional Quarterly Progress Report Province/RegionProgress update on activities, outputs, outcome & impact; aggregates LGU progress reports Quarterly National Quarterly Progress Report / Program Status Report DILG-LGAProgress update on program results for use by top management Quarterly/Semi- annually
Evaluation Approach TypePurposeMethodologyFrequency Progress review and evaluation Assess progress towards targets; identify issues; draw early lessons Data collection thru/analysis of regular progress reports; data validation of sample LGUs Mid-term; as appropriate Final evaluationAssess results against objectives; evaluate impact and sustainability; draw lessons Interviews; focus groups; ‘Before and after’ analysis End-of-program
The Power of Measuring Results If you do not measure results, you can not tell success from failure If you can not see success, you can not reward it If you can not reward success, you are probably rewarding failure If you can not see success, you can not learn from it If you can not recognize failure, you can not correct it If you can demonstrate results, you can win public support Adapted from Osborne & Gaebler, 1992