Pass a Stimulus Bill Reform Healthcare System Fix the Financial System Get the Economy Growing Restore faith in Americas foreign policy End The War In Iraq
Sec. of State –Hillary Clinton Sec. of Defense- Robert Gates Sec. of Health-Kathleen Sibelius Sec. of Treasury- Timothy Geithner Education Sec.- Arne Duncan Homeland Security Sec.- Napolitano Commerce Sec.-Gary Locke Sec. of Labor- Hilda Solis Sec. of Transportation-Ray LaHood
$787 Billion Dollars Federal Tax cuts Infrastructure Spending Signed into law in Febeburary,16,2009 Obama's first legislative victory
First President to pass Healthcare Reform $940 billion over ten years Expanded coverage to 32 million Americans Expands Medicaid
Passed in Senate, in the House Eliminates to Big To Fail Cracks down on Wall Street C.P.A.
2009 U.S. state dinner security breaches Air Force One photo op incident Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy
Failed Time Square Bombing Fort Hood Shootings Failed Christmas day Bombing Gulf Coast Oil Spill
Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2010 $200 Billion Stimulus Package Education Reform Pass Energy Reform in 2010