1 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion European Territorial Cohesion and regions with geographic specificities Brussels,


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Presentation transcript:

1 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion European Territorial Cohesion and regions with geographic specificities Brussels, 03/02/2011 Wladyslaw Piskorz DG REGIO – Head of Unit Unit C2 Urban Development, Territorial Cohesion

2 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Policy context Four key areas for fostering Territorial Cohesion Timeline European Territorial Cohesion and the Islands

3 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Lisbon Treaty: Territorial Cohesion as shared competence of EU and MS Art 174: « …particular attention shall be paid to (…) regions which suffer from severe and permanent natural or demographic handicaps such as the northernmost regions (…) and island, cross-border and mountain regions.» Green paper on Territorial Cohesion: « Turning territorial diversity into strenghts » Future Cohesion policy: 5th report on Cohesion Territorial Agenda 2020 Policy context

4 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Geographical and demographic specificity does not necessarily constitute a problem in its self -Statistics suggest that these territories are far from being homogeneous -Majority of respondents to the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion refused an automatic attribution of additional support -Element like good governance, integrated territorial development and making the best use of the region's own territorial capital are considered crucial element for successful territorial cohesion

5 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Nevertheless cohesion policy ask Member Courtiers a special attention for specific territories In about 2 % of Structural Funds went in favor of mountain areas in both objectives 1 and 2 regions: 7 billion Euros (1 billion each year); 700 millions Euros of FEDER has been invested in territorial cooperation for mountain areas. A new focus on opportunities: to build up on local assets so that competitive businesses can emerge

6 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Territorial Cohesion reinforces: 1.Access to services Broadband, health, education, banking… 2.Environmental sustainability Climate change, renewable energy, environmental protection 3.Functional geographies Metropolitan, remote rural regions, mountain regions 4.Territorial Analysis At NUTS 3, LAU2 and grid level (ESPON, Urban Audit, Urban Atlas …) 5th report on Cohesion(1)

7 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Policy Conclusions: Include reinforced territorial and urban dimensions « In some cases geographical or demographic features intensify development problems. (…) It will be necessary to develop targeted provisions (…), without multiplying instruments and programmes. » 5th report on Cohesion(2)

8 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 1.Strategic programming and governance 2.Cooperation between territories 3.Coordination of policies 4.Evidence based policy making Four key areas for fostering Territorial Cohesion

9 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 1. Strategic programming and governance(1) with a territorial/urban dimension: “Common Strategic Framework“, including a territorial chapter: priorities for urban dimension, local development, functional geographies (mountains is possible!) “Development and Investment Partnership Contracts", including a territorial chapter: territorial set up; list of cities where integrated actions are foreseen; urban-rural functional interdependencies …  …areas facing specific geographical or demographic problems (mountains).

10 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 1. S trategic programming and governance (2) Operational programmes, with reinforced territorial dimension  describing urban system of the region,cities concerned by urban actions  functional geographies: urban rural linkages  areas with specific geographical or demographic features; possible arrangements: modulation of co-financing rates; wider menu; specific priorities addressing mountains,…)  Greater flexibility in and across programmes: multi regional (metropolitan, river basins, mountains…),…

11 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 1. S trategic programming and governance (3) Reinforcing partnership: improve involvement of local actors and cities in the design and implementation of OPs Experimental approach for integrated local development in diverse contexts (urban, rural, urban-rural …), based on URBAN and LEADER experience; in close cooperation between diverse community instruments More sub-delegation; global grants; support to local partnerships…

12 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 2. Cooperation between territories: Cooperation in strategic policy documents (CSF, partnership contracts…) Reinforced link between transnational co- operation and macro-regional strategies (when relevant) In macro-regions and cross-border regions, better coordination across borders (mountanious or maritime), of legislation, strategies and funding; within multi-level governance; eg EGTC Interregional co-operation: support to EU networking on territorial and urban issues (Interreg C, URBACT…)

13 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Example of Territorial Cooperation Program of transnational cooperation Alpin space (ERDF: 98 million €), focused on innovation, accessibility and management of natural and technological risks Cross-border cooperation program France-Spain-Andorra (ERDF: 168 million €) that is contributing to the economic, social and institutional integration of Pyreneans

14 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 3. Coordination of policies Horizontal coordination at each level; vertical coordination between levels Improved alignment and coordination of funds; “Common Strategic Framework” for ERDF, EAFRD, EFF, ESF; national Contracts describing coordination with other policies A better coordination with state-aid regulations allowing the granting of aid to promote the economic development of certain areas Reporting aligned with the EU2020 governance cycle; regular debate in relevant Council formations, including Territorial and Urban monitoring Inter Service Groups: Urban Development, Territorial Cohesion; possibility to discuss sectoral policies : state aids, SGEI,…, Better use of existing EC Impact Assessment Guidelines, to take territorial dimension into account Territorial Impact Assessments in MS

15 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 4. Evidence-based policy making Ability to measure diverse assets as well as constraints of territories (eg: access to services, environmental sustainability,…) Need to go below NUTS 2 Encouraging use of existing data and analysis: ESPON (eg: priority 1: Geospecs; priority 2: Tedi, Euro-islands) Refined data sets and new territorial indicators, in close cooperation with national Statistical Offices. Also prospective studies (eg Regions 2020), territorial scenarios, spatial visions… DG Regio lunched a study on the “relevance and effectiveness of ERFD and Cohesion Fund support to Regions with Specific Geographical Features”

16 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Timeline 11 November 2010 – 31 January 2011: consultation 31 January/1 February 2011: Cohesion Forum Spring 2011: Proposal on future financial perspectives May 2011: approval of Territorial Agenda 2020 Summer 2011: Legislative proposals End 2012: Adoption of budget post 2013 and legislative package 2013: Finalisation of new programming documents 2014: Entry into force  In 2011, HU and PL presidencies (new Territorial Agenda, discussions on Cohesion Policy): an opportunity to design the new shared competence on Territorial Cohesion!