Title Line: President Obama drops in to learn about thrdPlace. President Obama wishes he had thrdPlace when he was a community organizer. President Obama on the value of thrdPlace… President Obama praises thrdPlace. President Obama meets the thrdPlace team. Topics Obama – Old school community organizer meets the new school Obama challenges Millenials “It’s Up to You” Obama on Optimism – technology empowers you to mobilize and solve problems LINKS: Obama Learns about thrdPlace 31m22s
LINKS: Obama Learns about thrdPlace 31m22s LINKS: “I could have used this as a community organizer”: 32m37s
QUOTES 1) Resources, Networks, People who want to volunteer they all now are able to go to (thrdPlace) "If I want to get something started, I can recruit and solicit folks to be involved. That's powerful." - Barack Obama on thrdPlace. 2) "I really had difficulty bringing together different community stakeholders to talk about how together we could rebuild New Orleans. Wrestling with the mayor's office, you name it." - DeKoven "Me too" - Barack Obama "You too? you're familiar with the challenge? That's when the lightbulb first when off: there's got to be a better way that we can curate this conversation and really drive people towards action. And that's why i founded thrdPlace." - DeKoven 3) "What we're seeing here is the way that technology is changing not just how you do business, not just how you buy products, but also how you interact, how you organize politically, how you get involved in the community, and how you solve problems... when I come to places like this, it inspires me and it reminds me of why I am chronically optimistic about the future." - Barack Obama 4) "It's going to be up to you, this generation, to come up with innovative, creative, ideas, and then to help mobilize, the passion and energy that you're showing in the private sector and direct some of that into the public sector." - Barack Obama
Link to the Mural Project Media Gallery we shared about BTGMural: Link to the Free Community Library project we spoke about