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Presentation transcript:


lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS2 GOAL See if EDMED (data base decription), Cruise Summary Report (Roscop) could be described by : XML in compliance with ISO-19115

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS3 APPROACH List all the needed information of an EDMED form, a CSR (ROSCOP form from ICES WEB site) Look up a standard definition in ISO for each information Define an XML tag in compliance with ISO for each information

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS4 Results on EDMED mapping Almost all the EDMED information has been mapped to ISO Exception 3 fields not compatible with ISO CENTER HOST optional field (Language dependant) CURRENCY DATE and REVISION DATE cannot be applied to DATA CENTRE and to CONTACT. Date can only be linked to the data base description.

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS5 Deliverables EXCEL file describing the mapping XML SCHEMA for EDMED Example XML file of an EDMED description Available from the MarineXML website Already used by some Sea-Search partners

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS6 EDMED to ISO XML tree (10 levels of XML tags) Easy search : Each tag as its ISO number EDMED reference EXCEL file (EDMED_ISO19115.xls)

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS7 XML Schema Generated from the ISO DTD using XMLSPY Original standard schema has been restricted to the tags needed by EDMED the mandatory tags of ISO (tpCat = topic Category, …)

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS8 XML schema Resp. of metadata Distributor Resource Date of metada creation


lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS10 Updating EDMED entries 257 EDMED XML files transmitted to BODC very recently Currently 226 French EDMED descriptions on the SEA-SEARCH WEB SITE 31 new entries and updates on some previous ones

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS11 Results on CSR mapping (1) All the information has been mapped to ISO and GML: Last version of ISO allows the description of samples and measurements and of ship information Tag provides aggregate dataset information

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS12 Aggregate dataset (Cruise) … (35.1) Ship name Ship ID Ship type 4 = source 10=Platform … Associated dataset (35.1) 3=Reference to master dataset 9=Operation Associated dataset (35.1) 3=Reference to master dataset 9=Operation …

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS13 Results on CSR mapping (2) Port of departure and return fit into Keywords : departure_place, arrival_place MARSDEN squares and Ocean areas (IHB) fit into ISO For other geographic information, GML standards has been used

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS14 Geographic Markup Language GML is consistent with existing OGC (OpenGIS Consortium) GML is an XML encoding for geographic information, including both the spatial and non-spatial properties of geographic features

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS15 Links between XML and GML files ISO XML file for a CSR … GML file Description of moorings GML file Description of the ship route … 3 XML Schemas GIF file Image of the ship route Or/and

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS16 Deliverables EXCEL file describing the mapping XML SCHEMA for CSR ISO XML SCHEMA for CSR GML-Moorings XML SCHEMA for CSR GML-Ship route Example of XML file of a CSR and corresponding fulfilled ROSCOP form Version 0

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS17 Next step Prepare the XML example file Distribute the Version 0 to all partners who volunteer to comment about it Prepare a version 1.0 for the CSR Last checks and take into account the partner’s comments available by the middle of July ?

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS18 Small modification of EDMED schema Compatibility between tags for EDMED and tags for CSR Mapping of CSR has had some influence on the EDMED previous schema 2 very small modifications Comment about the date format : ISO-8601 Tag added under to identify the author of the used code list : IHB in the case of EDMED Version 1.01 To be distributed

lfremer MAY SEA-SEARCH MEETING CYPRUS19 CDI and ISO Common Data Index also compatible to ISO In the frame of an Internal IFREMER project, a data index has been developped Need some adjustments and improvements to be fully compatible with the Sea-Search CDI