Kick-off meeting Rome, March 2013 AthenaPlus
WP1 Project management and Coordination ( ICCU) WP2 Coordination of content and standards (ICCU + CT) WP3 Platform for metadata aggregation and delivery to Europeana (NTUA + UNIMAR) WP4 Terminologies and semantic enrichment (KMKG + MCC) WP5 Creative applications for the re-use of cultural resources (PACKED + META) WP6 Pilots for testing the creative use of cultural contents (i2CAT + ICIMSS) WP7 Awareness and dissemination (SPK + MICHAEL) Work package structure Kick-off meeting Rome, March 2013 AthenaPlus
Task 5.1: Identification of creative applications of the AthenaPlus metadata M1-M6, ICCU and PACKED Task 5.2: Design of technical specification for the development of creative applications M3-M8, PACKED and Dedale Task 5.3: Prototyping creative applications for cultural content M4-M30, META and PACKED Task 5.4: Training partners and content providers M7-M30, PACKED WP5 Creative applications for the re-use of cultural resources Kick-off meeting Rome, March 2013 AthenaPlus
Milestones Kick-off meeting Rome, March 2013 AthenaPlus
Task 5.1 Identification of creative applications of the AthenaPlus metadata Task leader: ICCU and PACKED Result: D5.1 Report on the user needs and requirements (M4) Define role and functions of project stakeholders (end users, cultural tour operators, associations, etc.) in overall system. Specifications, profiles, and methods for semantic data enrichment will be defined with help of stakeholders User studies including personas role-playing (classical search behaviour and information architecture research: persona represents unique individual who seeks a certain outcome). Kick-off meeting Rome, March 2013 AthenaPlus
Task 5.2 Result: D5.2 Report on existing tools and devices related to narrative approaches and requirement functionalities (M6) survey of existing tools and devices related to anchored storytelling and narrative approaches; identify the best approaches and tools that may be assimilated into a Linked Data environment; estimate their suitability for integration in the required services to be developed by task T5.3 and T6.2; illustrate and motivate all requirements for the functionalities needed to support the use of Cultural Heritage Objects (CHO) and related information in storytelling for applications by several users.; will be the base for the development of task T5.3. Kick-off meeting Rome, March 2013 AthenaPlus
Task 5.3 Prototyping creative applications for cultural content Task leader: META and PACKED Results: D5.3 First release of the AthenaPlus tools (M12) – Virtual exhibitions, cultural tourist routes applications and an educational toolbox will be fully developed and submitted to test users. User feedback and availability of semantic resources (e.g. in MINT) will lead to the final release. D5.5 Revision of the AthenaPlus tools (M30) – User feedback from testing phase and the work to be developed in other WPs lead to revision of the previously developed tools. The tools for virtual exhibitions, cultural tourist routes applications and educational toolbox will be complemented and integrated in a way to obtain the most effective results for use by the AthenaPlus consortium and outside stakeholders. Kick-off meeting Rome, March 2013 AthenaPlus
Task 5.4 Training partners and content providers Task leader: PACKED Result: D5.4 Training materials for supporting the use of the AthenaPlus tools (M14) PACKED will develop actual training materials to guide stakeholders in the use of the tools developed in T5.3 Real-life training sessions on the use of the tools will be carried out in cooperation with other WPs on the basis of a train-the-trainer concept (in order to also reach outside the consortium) Manuals and other instructional material will be made in written and online form (e.g. screencast) to maximise their potential Kick-off meeting Rome, March 2013 AthenaPlus
Suggesties? – PACKED – PACKED Kick-off meeting Rome, March 2013 AthenaPlus