ISO/TC211 Geographic information/Geomatics ISO Geographic Information - Metadata DaveDanko/Lou Reich/Yonsook Enloe CINTEX Subgroup Meeting
Briefing Agenda ISO Overview –Scope –Background –Schedule Version 3 Technical Overview –Basic Concepts –ISO Profiles Summary –Technical Summary –Potential Inpacts to CINTEX/CIP
Work Item 15-Metadata Scope...the schema required for describing geographic information and services....information about the identification, the extent, the quality, the spatial and temporal schema, spatial reference, and distribution of digital geographic data....applicable to the cataloguing of datasets, clearinghouse activities, and the full description of datasets for a wide range of geographic applications. …applicable to geographic datasets, dataset series, and individual geographic features and attributes...may be used for other forms of geographic data such as map, charts, textual documents
Background Who is involved –ISO/TC211 member nations –Liaisons Development history –Development cycles –National/regional/community standards
ISO Metadata Foundation Regional metadata standards –ANZLIC Working Group on Metadata: Core Metadata Elements Guidelines Draft 7, Australia and New Zealand Land Information Council, November 1995, Sydney. –the Canadian Directory Information Describing Digital Geo-referenced Data Sets, Canadian General Standards Board, July 1994, Ottawa. –Standard for Geographic Information - Metadata, European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), September 1996, Brussels. –Content Standard for Geospatial Metadata Federal Geographic Data Committee, June 8, 1994, Washington DC Other influential documents –Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard (Digest), Version 1.2. Digital Geographic Information Working Group, January 1994, –IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data, International Hydrographic Bureau, October 1995, Monaco –Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS), US Department of Commerce, August 1992, Gaithersburg, MD –Application Profile for the Government Information Locator Service (GILS), US Department of Commerce, December 1994, Gaithersburg, MD –Cartographic materials: A manual of interpretation for AACR2, Anglo-American Committee on Cataloguing of Cartographic materials, 1982, Chicago –USMARC Format for Bibliographic Data, US Library of Congress, 1988, Washington, DC
Who is Involved 33 ISO TC211 Principle Member countries 14 Observing/Corresponding Member countries 10 Internal Liasons (other ISO committees) 14 External Liasons –CEOS is an External Liason
Primary Participants Australia Canada China Finland France Germany Japan Korea Malaysia Norway South Africa Spain Sweden United Kingdom United States DGIWG OGC –CEOS
Development Cycles Working Drafts –Version 1.0-March FGDC/CEN –Version 1.1-October 1996 –Version 1.2-December 1996 –Version 2.0-January IDEF1X-ER model, Full Imagery md –Version 2.1-June 1997 –Version 3.0-September Remove Full Imagery metadata –Version 3.1-December 1997 –Version 4.0-February 1998 Significant CIP based input Committee Drafts –Version 1.0-July Levels of conformance (962 comments) –Version 2.0-November UML Object Model (1422 comments) –Version 3.0-June Single comprehensive profile Actual metadata elements have remained generally consistent since WD 1.0
ISO Committee Draft 3.0
ISO CD 3.0 Requirements Clause Metadata application –UML model defining how metadata applies to datasets, aggregate datasets, features and attributes Metadata packages –Metadata package and entity relationship Metadata datatypes –Extent, citation, and responsible party information Recommended core metadata for geographic datasets –Simple natural language short list of recommended metadata elements
ISO19115 CD3.0 Annexes Normative Metadata schemas –Abstract Object Model (UML) Data dictionary and code lists Extensions and profiles Abstract test suite Comprehensive dataset metadata application profile Informative Metadata Extension Methodology Metadata Implementation Hierarchical Levels of Metadata Implementation Examples
ISO CD 3.0 Geographic Metadata Packages Identification Information Resource Constraint Information Data Quality Information Maintenance Information Spatial Representation Information Reference System Information Content Information Portrayal Catalog Information Distribution Information Metadata Extension Information Application Schema Information Metadata Datatypes –Citation –Responsible Party - Extent - On-line Resource - Address
Metadata Application MD_Metadata > DS_Aggregate DS_DataSet DS_OtherAssociation DS_StereoMate DS_SeriesDS_Initiative GF_PropertyType GF_FeatureType FE_FeatureAttribute FE_Feature 0..* 1..* 0..* 1..* 0..* 1..*
Metadata Data Dictionary
DataTypes and CodeLists > CI_Citation :title :alternateTitle :date :edition :editionDate :identifier :identifierType :citedResponsibleParty :presentationForm :seriesName :issueIdentification :otherCitationDetails :collectiveTitle :page :ISBN :ISSN > MD_ProgressCode :completed :historicalArchive :obsolete :onGoing :planned :required :underDevelopment NameDomainCodeDefinition MD_ProgressCodeProgCodestatus of the resource completed001production has been completed historicalArchive002data has been stored offline obsolete003data is no longer relevant onGoing004data is continuously being... planned005fixed date has been established… required006data needs to be generated or... underDevelopment007data is currently in the process...
Recommended core metadata for geographic datasets WDataset title WDataset reference date WDataset responsible party WGeographic location of the dataset (by four coordinates or by geographic identifiers) WDataset language WDataset character set WDataset topic category :Scale of the dataset WAbstract describing the dataset :Dataset format name :Dataset format version :Additional extent information (vertical and temporal) :Spatial representation type :Reference system :Lineage statement :On-line resource :Metadata file identifier :Metadata standard name :Metadata standard version WMetadata language WMetadata character set WMetadata point of contact WMetadata time stamp W Mandatory In CIP element/attribute sets
Comprehensive dataset metadata profile Basic profile applicable to a broad range of information communities Defines complete range of metadata required to identify, evaluate, extract, employ and manage geographic datasets Defines a comprehensive metadata application schema (UML model) which provides an implementable profile Provides a XML DTD based on the application schema
Comprehensive metadata application schema
Comprehensive profile XML Encoding XML DTD XML Document 2 XML DTD XML Document XML Document 1 The Document Type Definition (DTD) defines the tags, constraints, attributes, structure, domains etc The XML document defines the content (the dataset metadata) The DTD can be located: –within the document –within the same folder/computer/server C:\My Documents\My Metadata.dtd –within the Internet
Comprehensive Profile Application ISO-Comprehensive Geographic Metadata.dtd DCW.xml Recommended Core Metadata Schiphol Environmental Impact data.xml Full comprehensive metadata comprised of over 300 metadata elements NATO Specific.dtd VMap 1-NL.xml NATO cataloging profile which includes ISO recommended core plus additional selected metadata elements. The NATO DTD defines NATO specific metadata and code lists North Sea Soundings.xml only 12 mandatory metadata elements
Proposed Implementations US FGDC –Edition 3 will be a profile of ISO ANZLIC –developing ISO compliant ANZLIC profile Saudi Arabia –Ar-Riyadh Development Authority developed draft profile of ISO NATO –STANAG 7148 Catalog Metadata for Geographic Information (under development)
Summary ISO development –based on a solid foundation of national, regional, and information community standards –has broad global participation –has gone through formal development cycles ISO Standard –based on a harmonized object model –designed to fill a broad range of requirements –extensive use of codelists -language interoperability –recommended core with a full comprehensive profile Metadata that is absolutely essential for all aspects of spatial data handling –Locate –Evaluate –Extract –Employ Metadata in a global standard –Allows expanded networks –Provides a common understanding –Global Interoperability Metadata: the foundation for a Global Spatial Data Infrastructure
Impact to CINTEX/CIP Formal review of next version Discuss creation of a CIP/CEOS Profile Do we need a CIP 3 or a CIP 2.5 Alignment of Code lists and Keywords