Seeing things with Donald Schön ODN Europe Conference 7 th May 2014
Inquiry Figure Ground Consulting “….inquiry begins with an indeterminate, problematic situation, a situation whose inherent conflict, obscurity, or confusion blocks action. And the inquirer seeks to make that situation determinate, thereby restoring the flow of activity.” (Argyris and Schön, 1996: 30-31, interpreting John Dewey)
Determining the situation Figure Ground Consulting Muddle, mess. Complex- bewildering Name & Frame Create a Problem Act to resolve Unexpected consequences INQUIRY PROCESS LANGUAGE TOOL Metaphor Transposition Mutual adaption Elaboration Spelling out
Body of Practice Figure Ground Consulting “Once a case has entered into a practitioner’s repertoire he may be able to see a new case as that familiar one, the familiar one now acting as an exemplar for inquiry into the new one” (Schön and Rein, 1994: 205).
Over-determining the situation THE RISK “With a hammer in hand everything looks like a nail” (Anon) THE MITIGATION Reflexivity Immersion in the client situation. Relevance over Rigour. Self constraint around difference Contained Frame Reflection Figure Ground Consulting
Organisation questions From the viewpoint of practice in large systems: Organisations appear largely undetermined There appears to be a fallacy of determination Do managers disclose the organisation as they design & solve problems? Are organisations completed by managers as they conserve & disclose them? Figure Groud Consulting