Glider data (*.*bd files) via Iridium or rsync from WHOI, Umaine or UMaryland Disk NetCDF/Acquire WMO ID IOOS Glider DAC ERDDAP OPeNDAP sequence or download.geoJson,,.ncCF,.ncCFMA.csv,.tsv, SOS (soon), ACDD, ISO THREDDS OPeNDAP or ncSOS ncISO ACDD QA/QC NDBC BUFR Messages GTS OOI EPE Vis-Tools OOI-CI IONnet ERDDAP Models OSMC Metadata
Glider data (*.*bd files) via Iridium or rsync from WHOI, Umaine or UMaryland Decode from binary to ASCII and store as.dat files Slocum Power Tools (SPT) Toolbox Read raw data files into 2 data structures providing easy access to the underlying data, simple data manipulation, visualization and export. Timestamp/GPS Validation Duplicates & Impossible Values Removed/Flagged Global Bounds Checks: 1.Temperature 2.Pressure 3.Conductivity 4.Dissolved O2 5.Oxygen Saturation 6.Chlorophyll a 7.Volume Thermal Lag Correction Oxygen Shifts Derive Products & Global Bounds Checks: 1.Salinity 2.Density Single Profile NetCDF IOOS National DAC NDBC GTS
Slocum Power Tools Toolbox: An open source, freely available toolkit for loading, processing, visualizing and exporting Slocum glider data sets Users: Raytheon University of Victoria Ocean Networks Canada University of Delaware University of South Florida MBARI Texas A&M
SPT Wiki: Full API documentation and step-by-step examples on toolbox usage
IOOS Glider Data Assembly Center
NOAA Observing System Monitoring Center (OSMC) Historical archive of all Global Telecommunication System (GTS) metadata records used to verify transmission of glider profiles to GTS, making them “available” for assimilation
NOAA Observing System Monitoring Center (OSMC) ERDDAP backend server to script status reports of profiles transmitted to on GTS