How much do you know?
Describes the conscious and unconscious ways we tell others how we are feeling and what we are thinking through: Body posture, body movement, relationship to other objects Facial expressions and eye movement Body Language:
Our bodies deliver 70,000 different signals without words Our face can make 250,000 different expressions What’s amazing is that we know what ALL these signals mean! Although it has been debated, it is said that communication is 55% facial, 38% vocal, and 7% words. (depends on many variables) Facts:
What we don’t say counts! Body language creates atmosphere Needed for ethos (people believe that we know what we’re talking about) Important for public speaking?
How do I do it?
Rather than go into all the things you shouldn’t do, and what makes us look nervous (which we all know anyway), we are going to focus on things that make us appear confident, in control, open, honest, and authoritative. So much to know!
Simple: Head held high! Chin up! 1. Head position
Chest should be open Shoulders are back slightly Diaphragm lifted 2. Chest
In general, open stances are equated with an open personality Hands held behind back indicates confidence and authority Hands can be “nested” and held in front of the body as well Use hands for gesturing; don’t try to keep them in one position. 3. Arms
Crossed legs and feet while standing indicates nervousness and discomfort Stand with both feet planted on the ground Move as necessary and natural to do so 4. Legs & Feet
We communicate so much with our faces. Face should reflect what you are saying Your audience will feel what they see on your face (and in your body) 5. Face!!
Other things to consider:
Constant changing of weight from foot to foot Playing with hair or clothing Tapping fingers or toes Uneven or loud breathing Speech body language:
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