Meet or Beat that Price Mobile Device Application From the first screen of the application, you will be able to select from the various listed options, at the present time only the New Car option is available, others will be available soon including used cars. Click on the gold link at the top to advance to the next page. On the Maker and Model screen, select the vehicle you want to purchase, enter a zip code or use the “My location” option the integrated GPS will determine your location instantly. select the range of search by sliding the “miles” bar to the right, and finally select the year of the model by clicking on the “years” box. Click the “Search for Dealers” button to find all of the dealers in your search area. 2
On the “Maker” menu you can scroll up or down to find the maker of your choice, once found click on the name and that name will be entered in to the Application’s bid engine. The same can be done on the model scroll down menu 3
First time users can simulate an auction by clicking on the “Try Demo” button then on the “Help” button for specific instructions, and last on the “Search for Dealers” button The Demo Dealer result page will display all of the dealers available in the selected search area, some dealers display the gold “Will Bid” icon and others a gray “No Bid” icon, dealers also display the distance in miles from their location to your location. Dealers also display the rating given to them by other users. You can rate your experience with any particular dealer after completing your purchase. 4
Participant Dealerships enter their custom bidding parameters in to the Bid Engine, these parameters come in to play only when necessary and only down to a percentage needed to beat the closest competitor, all bids are closed bids, parameters are only known by each individual dealer’s account manager, maximum discounts are never known by the car buyers or other competing dealerships. 5
When users visit a “No Bid” dealer at their physical location, and obtain a fixed final discount under MSRP from a sales person, the user can manually enter that fixed discount in to the “My Quote” box by first clicking on that particular dealer’s gray “No bid “ icon. In this particular example 12.5% was entered. The gray “No Bid” icon will then turn in to green color, meaning that the manual “My Quote” has been entered in to the application’s Bid Engine, user can then select from the gold “Will Bid” dealers based on their location and their star rating, then click on the “compete” button to initiate the auction. 6
The locations of the selected dealers can also be shown on a map by clicking on the “Map” button on the dealer result page, to go back to the list of selected dealers click on the “List” button. After having clicked on the “Compete” button, the winning result and the information of the winning dealer are displayed, also a transaction confirmation number, in this case the manually entered quote was beaten by 1%. The confirmation number must be saved and presented to the winning dealer at their location for honoring, the winning dealer will be able to verify the confirmation number by logging in to their Internet account % UNDER MSRP
All winning transactions are recorded and posted in to each individual dealer’s account to be able to verify the confirmation numbers, dates and who the nearest competitor was at any given auction. 8
By clicking on the map button on the winning result page, you can look at a route from your location to the winning dealer’s location The winning information can be saved by clicking on the “Save” button and later retrieved from the first page on the application by clicking on the “saved Confirmation Codes” button. Dealers have assigned different bidding parameters to different days of the week so, confirmation numbers must be presented to the winning dealer for honoring on the same day the auction took place. 9