AIP-7 (2014) GEOSS Water Services Team
Land Air Water Aoteara: LAWA New Zealand
Land Air Water Aoteara: LAWA New Zealand Video: AIP7-NewZealandClients (youtube) Flemish Water Portal Video: AIP7-FlemishWaterPortal (youtube)
Time Series of Land Surface Modeling Outputs
Time Series of Land Surface Modeling Outputs
European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting and European Joint Research Commission 15 Day ahead forecast ensemble (50 models)
AIP-8 (2015) GEOSS Water Services Team
Models for Flood Forecasting Surface & Subsurface Runoff Streamflow Channel flow routing (for continental US) Probabilistic flood forecastsWeather model and forecasts Land-Atmosphere Model PrecipitationWeather Catchment-level forecasts
Downscale ECMWF Forecast to Watershed 15-Day Runoff Depth - Cumulative (m) Run Forecast with RAPID 15-Day Flow by Reach - Incremental (cms) Runoff Weights Table ECMWF Forecasts 50 simulations ECMWF Forecasts 50 simulations In-stream Forecasts 50 simulations In-stream Forecasts 50 simulations Other RAPID input Files for Watershed Downscaled Forecast 50 simulations Downscaled Forecast 50 simulations (4) (1) (2)(3) (5) 15-Day Runoff Volume by Reach - Incremental (m 3 ) BYU Flood Forecasting Workflow
The recipe for doing this (prototype): Delineate watersheds with automated tools working from elevation models (GIS tools) Create stream networks and catchments ( GIS tools) Download ECMWF forecast ensembles (ftp) Downscale ensemble to local catchments ( Esri toolkit) Run RAPID streamflow routing model (cloud computing) Store results in HydroShare (community portal) Run Tethys app to access the results and display (browser) We are working on ways to leverage current implementations for global use
CIEHLYC Capacity Building Cartagena, Colombia May 2015 Comunidad Para la Informacion Espacial e Hidrografica para Latinoamerica y el Caribe
GloFAS: From Precipitation to Runoff to Discharge
ArcGIS RAPID Toolbox Esri Toolbox + BYU Tethys tool to create downscaled model for any scale watershed
14 Watersheds with Forecasts
13 Watersheds in Colombia
HydroServer - HydroDesktop
Creating Gauge Stations & HydroServers Each watershed developer created gauge stations. Some associated a photo with each station. Some created a HydroServer for their watershed.
Next Step: Mapping Flood Depth
BYU Python Toolkit for Hydro Apps
David K. Arctur University of Texas at Austin Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Thank you!