Overview Of The System Hero will be routed to the Affiliate next in queue by providing zip code or city/ state. Hero has the option to chose an Affiliate with whom they are already working. If there is no Affiliate in the state or 50- mile radius they will be assigned to a lender and a director.
To access your affiliate tool box, login with your user name and password at the bottom of the home page.
Affiliate Toolbox
My Heroes can also be accessed by clicking the link in the toolbar at the top of the page after you log in.
My Heroes You will be able to manage your Heroes in this section. Your Hero assignments and manually- added Heroes will be listed; you can add in a Hero yourself by clicking “Add Hero”. Make sure to keep your Heroes’ information and statuses up to date!
Hero Assignments If you receive a hero assignment, you will be notified by , prompting you to log in and accept or reject it based on the “view details” option. Please keep your contact information and address up to date. You must respond to your hero assignment by logging in to your Affiliate Console, clicking on My Heroes, and clicking Accept or Reject within a 24-hour period.
If you do not respond within twenty- four hours, the Hero assignment will be given to the next Affiliate in queue. Make sure to check your Affiliate Toolbox often!
My Account Under “My Account”, you will be able to edit your: Contact information Password Billing information You can also add a secondary for team leaders, assistants, etc. The person on this account will also receive notifications regarding Hero assignments.
Now that you have some familiarity with the Toolbox, feel free to explore… Under “Forms”, you have access to all of the HFH forms that you will ever need, available for download. Under “Training”, you will find learning tools such as PowerPoints and videos. Under “Print Store”, you will be able to purchase HFH marketing materials and other merchandise. Under Affiliate Resources”, you will be able to find various documents and resources to help you succeed.
Thank you for watching! Contact Affiliate Services if you have any questions.