THE CAROLS THE PLOW THE GOAT Christmas Traditions in Romania
The carols
About carol Romanian "wandering" does not come directly from the Latin "Calendae" but through the Bulgarian word "koleda".Majoritatea secular carols origin. Colindatul is best kept. With wont go caroling children, boys, and in some villages even married men so that children go caroling day until sunset go boys and men at night.
Carol joy is unbounded. For how to let the evening get together and start wandering children. Even if it snows or hard frost, kids gather in bands and turn the village streets to proclaim the Savior's birth. So it is customary for thousands of years, Christmas caroling to go after some ritual. Grandparents in their grandchildren gate frame and do not forget to take with them a stick to make his way through the snow and defend the dogs. Before you leave home children receive purses and hand-sewn canvas that gather nuts, pretzels and apples.
The hosts welcome their soul singers open their doors and gates both houses we invite sweet smell of apples, hot coils and candy... and the smell of freshly decorated tree. Singing carols at both the country and the city remained a celebration of community, children and young people who wander as those who receive carolers rewarding them with gifts and thus contributing to the preservation of ancient traditions.
We have gone and we caroling, dressed in traditional romanian folk costume.
We organized a show for parents with popular Christmas traditions.
Then we shared the gifts found under the tree.
We open gifts received.
These are our folk costumes. Wear them with love and pride.
Singers receive reward bagels, apples and cookies.
In class we tried to reconstruct the scene of birth of Jesus Christ.
Happy Holidays! These are Christmas traditions in Romania and keep them with pride.