Welcome to Newcastle City Learning
About the course… Aims of the course Level Length Attendance Demands Assessment and Progression Costs
Term Dates DateTerm Details 1 September 2014Autumn Term begins 27 October 2014Half Term 22 December 2014Christmas break 5 January 2015Spring Term begins 16 February 2015Half Term 3 April 2015Easter Break 20 April 2015Summer Term begins 25 May 2015Half Term 19 July 2015End of Summer Term
Where our funding comes from Many of our course fees are subsidised by funding from the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) Additionally, if your course helps tackle worklessness and develop workplace skills we can match fund from the European Social Fund (ESF)
About the centre… Please enter/exit the building through the main entrance only Fire exits Toilets Refreshments Car Parking Security Daytime classes Evening classes
Our Policies… Complaints Procedure Disability Statement Equal Opportunities Health & Safety (inc No smoking policy) Hospitality & Gifts Safeguarding Student Charter Please refer to your Learner Handbook or for full details of all policies please visit
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Newcastle City Learning is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of learners and expects all staff to share this commitment. We want to provide a safe learning environment in which everyone; staff, learners and volunteers are responsible for: Respecting other people’s right to safety Not hurting or abusing others Not threatening to hurt or abuse others If you have any concerns, please contact a member of staff.
Additional Support If at any point during the course you feel you would benefit from any additional support, please let me know so that we can discuss what’s best for you. Discretionary Learner Support and 24+ Bursary Funds If your household income is less than £21,000 you may be able to apply for help with costs such as course fees, childcare and resources. Funds are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please ask the adult education office for details.
You can expect us to… provide an environment that is free from prejudice, discrimination and harassment value and respect the differences in others promote a positive learning environment with a culture that promotes respect for all
What we expect from you… Our basic ground rules: Respect and listen to others Challenge bad behaviour Maintain good attendance and time keeping Keep mobile phones silent …would you like to add any others?
Your Learner Liaison: Andrea Satterthwaite If you have any ideas for events, improvements to your learning experience, social activities or you need any advice and guidance, Andrea is available at West Gate on:
NUS Cards NUS cards are now available to Newcastle City Learning’s learners. Simply register with NUS online ( and quote ‘Newcastle City Learning’ as your place of study. Your new card will be sent to your Learner Liaison for collection.
Learner Voice Throughout your learning programme you will be given the opportunity to feedback to us any comments, ideas or issues in relation to the teaching, learning and assessment you are experiencing. We value all comments and the information received will be used to improve the quality of our service.
Information Advice & Guidance IAG is available to you throughout your course from a variety of different people. Advice is available on progression from this course, other courses available with this organisation, other career and training opportunities elsewhere. Please ask your tutor in the first instance who will be able to answer your query or signpost you to the relevant person.
Postponed/Cancelled Sessions If your tutor is sick or during periods of adverse weather it may be necessary to cancel sessions. In this event we will make alternative arrangements so that your learning is not interrupted. This may include completing work at home, via the internet or by adding time after the published end date of the course.
Certificates Centre staff will contact you when your certificates are available for collection. If you would like your certificate to be posted out to you, this can only be done if you provide us with pre-paid self addressed envelope for postage.
Did you know…? If you are already attending a course with Newcastle City Learning and seeking employment or career advice, JET may be able to support you further with a variety job seeking skills including: IAG about the type of work you would like to do Support to create or amend your CV to match vacancies in the type of job you are looking for Help with interview skills For more information or to book an appointment to talk to us, call in to the The Hub in room 17c, First floor, Westgate College or contact us on: Khatoon on Louise on , /
…and finally A note about Copyright: If you plan to use any text or images from other sources in your course work – written or digital – you must check that you have permission to use it. More information is available at fe.cla.co.uk