Mr. Violanti Fall, 2014
John Locke: Philosopher, Natural Rights (L,L,P) Montesquieu: Separation of Powers, 3 branch Rousseau: Social Contract Voltaire: Freedom of Speech Zenger: accused of seditious libel in NY Iroquois Confederacy: S.C.O.O.M. Plymouth Colony: Massachusetts, Religious French and Indian War: England defeats France in War fought in America. New England Colonies: Focus on religion, shipping Middle Colonies: “Breadbasket” Colonies Southern Colonies: Cash Crops, Slavery Triangular Trade: Europe, America, Africa Mercantilism: Colonies exists to benefit Mother C.
Middle Passage: nickname for slave trade route to the New World. Democracy: People decide, voting. Republic: Representatives decide after being elected. Mayflower Compact: 1620, Pilgrims voted to be ruled by majority rule. Salutary Neglect: “Healthy Ignoring” of the colonies by England. Albany Plan of Union: 1754, Franklin’s plan to have colonies join together against French. Treaty of Paris, 1763: Ended French / Indian War. Proclamation of 1763: prohibited movement past the Appalachian Mountains.
Sugar Act: 1764 English tax on sugar imports. Stamp Act: required tax on printed documents Navigation Acts: England regulates Colonial trade. Townshend Acts: Further taxed colonial trade. Patrick Henry: Led resolutions against Stamp Act, “Give me liberty or give me death” Samuel Adams: Founder of Sons of Liberty Natural Rights: Life, Liberty, Property. Virginia House of Burgesses: Issued resolutions of protest against British Taxes and treatment of Colonies. Law Making body of Virginia.
English Colonists make up the early settlers of the United States. Why did they come? 1. Religious Reasons (Pilgrims, Puritans) 2. Economic Reasons (land, crops, resources) 3. Political Reasons (Church of England, land grants from King.)
First Permanent English Settlement. Tobacco Tobacco Trade becomes profitable. Jamestown Jamestown
1. Corporate Colonies Joint stock to make colonies for profit 2. Proprietary Colonies Individuals to colonize and govern themselves 3. Royal Colonies Governor appointed by King.
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut ~Mayflower Compact ~Plymouth Plantation (Thanksgiving)Plymouth Plantation Self Government : ~Fundamental Orders of Connecticut ~Focused on Religion (Puritans) ~Church & State worked together
Good Ports, Rocky soil lead to Shipping natural resources instead of farming.
The “Breadbasket Colonies” New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware Agriculture, Grains, Iron Works William Penn, “Penn’s Woods”, Quakers.
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. FARMING, CASH CROPS, PLANTATIONS, SLAVERY. SLAVERY Tobacco, Cotton, Rice, Indigo Very different culture begis in the South. Rural life, education not valued. Virginia House of Burgesses created to make laws and govern (Republic)
England allows the 13 colonies to develop on their own. (Salutary Neglect). Allowed to pick their own governments, education systems, set up newspapers and press. Mercantilism is practiced, leads to trade restrictions. (Raw materials, markets)
England and France at war in Europe and America. English expect help of the Colonists. Albany Plan Of Union, 1754
French & Indian War,
-Lasts 9 years -Iroquois Confederacy assist the British. -Ends with Treaty of Paris, Creates feeling of Independence for Colonists. **
Appalachian Mountains Stops Colonial Movement Past Appalachian Mts.
1. Ancient Greece: Democracy (Mayflower Compact) 2. Ancient Rome: Republic (Virginia House of Burgesses) 3. Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights 4. Enlightenment: John Locke, CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED.